歌词 "Why" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Driving through the night 通过夜间驾驶

Using all the lights 使用所有的灯

Hiding in the stars above 躲在天上的星星


I kiss you on the arm 我吻你的手臂

I never meant to harm 我从未想过要伤害

The only girl I ever loved 我曾经爱过的唯一的女孩


That was long ago 那是很久以前

Before I could say no 我还没来得及说没有

Whisper in my ear again 又在我耳畔低语


That today, I'll change 今天,我会改


Why must I always choose 为什么要我总是选择

The highs over me and you? 高点在我和你?

I try and I try to change my old ways 我尝试,我试图改变我的老办法

Darling oh darling 亲爱的宝贝哦


Your sweater on the stairs 你在楼梯上的毛衣

Pretending you're still there 假装你还在那里

It's everything and nothing new 这一切并没有什么新的


Another wasted chance 另一种浪费机会

Save me one last dance 救我最后一支舞

A final waltz for me and you 我和你最后的华尔兹


As we spin around 当我们不停地旋转


Why must I always choose 为什么要我总是选择

The highs over me and you? 高点在我和你?

I try and I try to change my old ways 我尝试,我试图改变我的老办法

Darling oh darling 亲爱的宝贝哦


I'll never change 我永远也不会改变

I'll never change 我永远也不会改变

I'll never change 我永远也不会改变


Driving through the night 通过夜间驾驶

Using all the lights 使用所有的灯

Hiding in the stars above 躲在天上的星星


As we spin around 当我们不停地旋转


Why must I always choose 为什么要我总是选择

The highs over me and you? 高点在我和你?

I try and I try to change my old ways 我尝试,我试图改变我的老办法

Darling oh darling 亲爱的宝贝哦


It's just too late 这只是为时已晚


Why, why 为什么,为什么

歌词 Why 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/why-5/

歌词 Why 的作者与版权信息:


Diego Garcia


Belgrano Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.