歌词 "Why" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This house is echoing 这房子是呼应

With the sound of You knocking at the door 随着你的声音在敲门

But with three locks 但随着三把锁

And the shades down 和阴影下

You are easy to ignore 你是容易被忽视

I put You on like an old pair of shoes 我把你像一双旧鞋子

I've put You off, but now I need You 我已经把你关,但现在我需要你


Why, this love that never leaves me 为什么,这爱是永远不会离开我

Why are You holding me tonight 你为什么要抱着我今晚

Can't deny this love that is given me 不能否认这种爱是给予我

Why, this love will never leave 为什么,这份爱永远不会离开


You're a good strategy when I need one 你是一个很好的策略,当我需要一个

An angle when there is none 当有没有角

Like a doormat 像门垫

That always says welcome 总是说:欢迎

No matter how much dirt I rub on 不管有多少污垢我擦上

But when I am tired and run through 但是,当我累了,并贯穿

Look over this hill, I'm running to You 你看在这个山头,我跑到你

歌词 Why 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/why-36/

歌词 Why 的作者与版权信息:


Peter de Angelis, Robert Marcucci, Rodney Jerkins, Lashawn Ameen Daniels


Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Debmar Publishing Co. Inc., Emi April Music Inc., MCA Music Publishing A.D.O. Universal S