歌词 "Who Cares?" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Who Cares?



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Staring at the sky, 盯着天空,

There's angels in the snow. 有一个在雪天使。

Wishing she could fly high, 希望她能飞得高,

Above the world below. 以上低于世界。


All that she wanted, 所有这一切她想要的东西,

Is to be wanted. 就是被通缉。

She's sitting on the stairs, 她坐在楼梯上,

With ribbons in her hair, 在她的头发丝带,

Waiting for someone who cares, 等着别人谁在乎,

Who cares. 谁在乎。


Pouring over magazines, 浇过杂志,

She soaks up every page. 她吸收了每一页。

Each picture like a daydream, 每个画面就像一个白日梦,

She never wants to fade. 她从来没有想要褪色。


All that she wanted, 所有这一切她想要的东西,

Is to be wanted. 就是被通缉。

She's looking in the mirror, 她在照镜子,

Wondering what to wear, 不知道穿什么衣服,

Hoping she'll meet someone who cares, 希望她会遇到一个人谁在乎,


At the window sill, she's looking out on, 在窗台上,她看着窗外的,

Strawberry daffodils, 草莓水仙,

Butterflies and broken roller skates, 蝴蝶破旱冰鞋,

The colours bleed like finger paint. 颜色像流血的手指油漆。

Yesterday... 昨天...


All that she wanted, 所有这一切她想要的东西,

Is to be wanted. 就是被通缉。

She's rocking in a chair, 她的摇摆椅子上,

Silver in her hair, still waiting for someone... 白银在她的头发,还在等待某人......


All that she wanted, 所有这一切她想要的东西,

Is to be wanted. 就是被通缉。

She's sitting on the stairs, 她坐在楼梯上,

Ribbons in her hair, 在她的头发丝带,

Waiting for someone who cares, 等着别人谁在乎,

Who cares. 谁在乎。

歌词 Who Cares? 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/who-cares-2/

歌词 Who Cares? 的作者与版权信息:


Ashley Parker Angel, Ashley Angel


Reservoir Media Music, Weencopter Music, Black Fountain Music