歌词 "Wherever Love Drops (Part Two)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Wherever Love Drops (Part Two)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I was walking auf der Helde 我走AUF DER Helde

Got into some boggy parts 陷入沼泽的一些零件

Squelch squelch 静噪静噪

Fell into some footprints 陷入一些脚印

Couldn't get out 无法脱身

But you never know "wo die Liebe hinfallt" 但你永远不知道“沃死Liebe hinfallt ”

Wherever love drops it drops 只要有爱滴是滴

Looking up I see this foot coming down 我抬头看到这脚下来

And from very high up a voice says 从非常高的一个声音说:

"Would you like my leg to climb up ?" “你想我的腿爬了起来? ”

My eye travels up this very well built leg 我的眼睛向上运行这个精心打造的腿

Listen to what happens next 听接下来会发生什么

And up a very short skirt 和一个很短的裙子

And I think "wo die Liebe hinfallt" 我认为, “沃死Liebe hinfallt ”

Wherever love drops it drops 只要有爱滴是滴

Up, I climb up 了,我爬起来

I climb up í爬起来

I climb up í爬起来

歌词 Wherever Love Drops (Part Two) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wherever-love-drops-part-two/