歌词 "Where You Lead" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Where You Lead



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wanting you the way I do 希望你我的方式

I only want to be with you 我只想和你在一起

And I would go to the ends of the earth 我会去天涯海角

'Cause, darling, to me that's what you're worth 因为,亲爱的,我这就是你的价值


Where you lead, I will follow 你在哪里领导,我会跟着

Anywhere that you tell me to 任何地方,你告诉我

If you need, you need me to be with you 如果你需要,你需要我和你在一起

I will follow where you lead 我会按照您带领


If you're out on the road 如果你在路上

Feeling lonely and so cold 感到孤独等冷

All you have to do is call my name 所有你需要做的是叫我的名字

And I'll be there on the next train 我会在那里就下火车


Where you lead, I will follow 你在哪里领导,我会跟着

Anywhere that you tell me to 任何地方,你告诉我

If you need, you need me to be with you 如果你需要,你需要我和你在一起

I will follow where you lead 我会按照您带领


I always wanted a real home with flowers on the window sill 我一直想要一个真正的家窗台上的花

But if you want to live in New York City, honey, you know I will 但是,如果你想住在纽约市,亲爱的,你知道我会

I never thought I could get satisfaction from just one man 我从来没有想过我可以从只有一个人得到满意

But, if anyone could keep me happy, you're the one who can 但是,如果有人可以让我开心,你是一个谁可以


And where you lead, I will follow 并在你领导,我会跟着

Anywhere that you tell me to 任何地方,你告诉我

If you need, you need me to be with you 如果你需要,你需要我和你在一起

I will follow where you lead 我会按照您带领

歌词 Where You Lead 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/where-you-lead/

歌词 Where You Lead 所在专辑及曲目:
  • 专辑年份:1971
  • 专辑歌手:CAROLE KING
  • 类别:album
I Feel The Earth Move
So Far Away
It's Too Late
Home Again
Way Over Yonder
You've Got A Friend
Where You Lead
Will You Love Me Tomorrow
Smackwater Jack
(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman
  • 专辑年份:2005
  • 专辑歌手:CAROLE KING
  • 类别:live album
Welcome To My Living Room
Peace In The Valley
Love Makes The World
Now And Forever
Where You Lead
Lay Down My Life
Smackwater Jack
Wishful Thinking
Take Good Care Of My Baby
It Might As Well Rain Until September
Go Away Little Girl
I'm Into Something Good
Hey Girl
One Fine Day
Will You Love Me Tomorrow
Loving You Forever
It's Too Late
So Far Away
Sweet Seasons
Pleasant Valley Sunday
Being At War With Each Other
I Feel The Earth Move
(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman
You've Got A Friend
The Loco-Motion
Father, Can You Hear Me
Alice In Wonderland
Waltzing Along
Father Can You Hear Me
Lead Me On
Great & Mighty
Everybody's Everything
The Midnight Rodeo
Love Street
I'll Make It
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36