歌词 "Where Were You When I Needed You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Where Were You When I Needed You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Don't bother crying 不要打扰哭

Don't bother calling 不要打扰调用

It's all over now 这一切都结束了

There's no use in stalling 有没有在拖延没有用

The love I once felt 有一次,我感受到了爱

I don't feel anymore for you 我不觉得了你

This time I'll even open the door for you 这一次,我什至可以打开大门为你

You walked out when I was down 你走了出来,当我下来

Well now I'm well off 现在好了,我好了

And look, look whose comin' round 再看看,看看是谁的科曼轮


Where were you when I needed you 在那里,当我需要你,你

Where were you when I wanted you 你在哪里,当我想你

Where were you when I need you 你在哪里,当我需要你

Where 在哪里


You're looking good 你看起来好

It's hard to fight it 这是很难打吧

But no use explain' 但是没有用的解释“

I've already decided 我已经决定

That goin' with you 这布莱恩你

Is worse than without you 是不是没有你差

I won't spend a lifetime 我不会花一辈子

Worryin' about you Worryin 你

When things got bad 当事情变得糟糕

You disappeared 你失踪

But I'm back on my feet 但我回来我的脚

And look, look whose standin' there 再看看,看看是谁站在有


Where were you when I needed you 在那里,当我需要你,你

Where were you when I wanted you 你在哪里,当我想你

Where were you when I needed you 在那里,当我需要你,你

Where 在哪里


You were so young 你这么年轻

And you were so wild 而你是如此狂野

I knew you were nobody's innocent child 我知道你是谁的无辜的孩子

That first day I saw you 第一天,我看见你

You really got to me 你真的要我

I thought I could change you 我以为我可以改变你

What could you do to me 你该怎么办我

When times got rought 当次拿到rought

Ah, you wouldn't wait 啊,你不会等

Well now you're trippin' back 现在好了,你践踏,回

And babe, babe it's too late 和贝贝,贝贝,为时已晚


Where were you when I needed you 在那里,当我需要你,你

Where were you when I wanted you 你在哪里,当我想你

Where were you when I needed you 在那里,当我需要你,你

Where 在哪里

歌词 Where Were You When I Needed You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/where-were-you-when-i-needed-you-1/

歌词 Where Were You When I Needed You 的作者与版权信息:


P. F. Sloan, Steve Barri, Phil Sloan


American Broadcasting Music Inc.