歌词 "Where I Can Never Be" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Where I Can Never Be



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

And nothing I say, and nothing I can be 并没有我说的,并没有什么我能

And nothing I do will ever bring you back to me. 我做任何事都不能带给你回到我身边。

And all that we loved, and all that we hoped for 和所有我们爱,和所有我们所希望的

And all that we dreamed is lost and slowly fades away. 和所有我们梦见丢失,慢慢地消失了。

You are still breathing, so you are where I can never be. 你还在呼吸,所以你在那里我永远不可能。


And all that I was, and all that I wanted 和所有我和所有我想要的

And all that I could have been is gone and turns to stone. 和所有我能一直不见了,变成了石头。

And I am not here, and I am not real 而我不在这里,我不是真正的

But I am still calling out your name to guide you home. 但我还是叫你的名字,以指导你回家。

You are still breathing, so you are where I can never be. 你还在呼吸,所以你在那里我永远不可能。


where I can never be. 在那里我永远不可能。


Sometimes I hear you 有时候,我听你的

Sometimes I see you 有时候,我看你

Sometimes I feel you 有时候,我觉得你

And so I die again. 等我死了。

歌词 Where I Can Never Be 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/where-i-can-never-be/