歌词 "Where Death Seems To Dwell" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Where Death Seems To Dwell



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

"Through a dark and desolate valley he walks “通过黑暗和荒凉的山谷,他走

Pale, flickering fires light the way 浅,忽隐忽现火灾点燃方式

Along an ice cold river lies his path 沿着冰冷的河水就在于他的路径

The sky is of darkest grey 天空是暗灰色的


A cold wind pierce through his bones 通过他的骨头寒风皮尔斯

And the sharp rocks cut his feet 而锋利的岩石割伤了脚

His clothes and skin are ripped by thorns 他的衣服和皮肤都被撕开刺

His eyes appear to bleed" 他的眼睛出现流血“


The land is dead and dry 土地是死的,干

The water is poisonous 水是有毒

Unknown creatures howling to the sky 未知的生物嚎叫天空

Blood chilling and ravenous 血液冷却和贪婪


The air is thick and dense 空气是厚密

A smell of rotting flesh 腐肉的味道

Every breath is like one thousand knives 每一次呼吸都像千刀

Cutting through his chest 从这个胸前


Black birds of prey circle the sky 猎物圈的天空黑色的鸟

He hears the shadows moan 他听到了呻吟的阴影

He sees pale faces pass him by 他看到脸色苍白的面孔通过他的

But he walks this path alone 但是,他孤独地走这条道路


Darkness fills his heart with chilling fear 黑暗充满他的心脏与心寒恐惧

A nameless fear he cannot quell 一种莫名的恐惧,他不能平息

How did he ever end up here? 怎么他曾经在这里结束?

This place where death seems to dwell 这地方死似乎住


He repeats the question in his weary mind 他重复在他疲惫的心灵的问题

The riddle gives him no rest 谜语让他没有休息

Yet he knows the answer deep inside 然而,他知道内心深处的答案

He's been touched by the chill of death 他被感动了死亡的寒意


Enchanting voices urge him on 迷人的声音督促他

Through he wants to turn around 通过他要转身

They sing to him with soothing words 他们唱歌给他安慰的话

A chilling, frighting sound 阿冷, frighting声音


A cold blue light shimmer ahead 冷蓝灯的微光前进

Where a mountain reaches for the sky 凡一座山到达的天空

Nidafiell, mountain of the dead Nidafiell ,山的死

Terrifying it's might 可怕的是实力


He approach the gates 他接近门

his heart is cold 他的心脏都凉了

He understands all to well 他明白大家好

She awaits him 她等待着他

The truth unfolds 事实展开

He's been sent to Nifelhel 他被送到Nifelhel

歌词 Where Death Seems To Dwell 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/where-death-seems-to-dwell/

歌词 Where Death Seems To Dwell 的作者与版权信息:


Ted Lundstrom, Olavi Petteri Mikkonen, Fredrick Andersson, Johan Hans Hegg, Johan Olof Soderberg


Amon Amarth Music, Metal Skull Music