歌词 "When You're Twenty-One" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

When You're Twenty-One



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It was Christmas Eve the night your poor Maw died son 这是圣诞节前夕的夜晚你可怜的鱼鳔死儿子

And I reckon she prayed all of her life that she could raise you to be twenty-one 我想,她祈祷她的生活,她可以养你是21

Me and you never moved into town boy we just kept on livin' out here 我和你从未搬进城里的孩子,我们只是一直活着在这里

Aw and life's been good and bad Son for the past twenty-one years 胡和生活一直有好有坏儿子过去21年

Oh I remember now when you were a little fella and I used to take my boy to church 哦,我现在还记得当你还是一个小家伙,我常带我的孩子去教堂

And when you sang the Christmas carols with the other boys oh it gave Daddy's heart a jerk 而当你与其他男生唱圣诞颂歌哦,给了爸爸的心脏一个混蛋

Why you sounded a lot like a little angel Boy 为什么你听起来很像一个小天使男孩

And to Papa you sure looked sweet 和爸爸,你肯定看甜

Even though your little ragged britches came half way to your skinny little knees 即使你的小衣衫褴褛的裤子来到半路上你瘦小的膝盖

Oh and it made your Poppa proud boy and it filled my ole heart with joy 呵呵,这让你感到自豪波帕男孩就充满了我的心脏OLE喜悦

The Preacher'd step down and he'd pat your head and he say 该Preacherd下台,他会拍拍你的头,他说,

My my got yourself a fine little boy 我的我拥有属于自己的精品小男孩

Well maybe my life down here's about over boy 嗯,也许我的生活在这儿是关于对男孩

Maybe my days on earth's about done 也许我在地球上的日子大约完成

Maybe now I'll see your Mama and live with the Lord boy 也许现在我会看到你的妈妈和生活主男孩

But Merry Christmas to you and a happy birthday Son 不过,祝你圣诞快乐和幸福的生日儿子

歌词 When You're Twenty-One 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/when-you_re-twenty-one/