歌词 "What'll She Look Like" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

What'll She Look Like



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

what'll she look like when she opens her eyes 什么将她看时,她打开她的眼睛像

and sees what she wnats to see 并认为她wnats看

instead of this cold mirror's lies 而不是这冰冷的镜子的谎言

and all the pieces complete 和所有的作品完整

she says with a sign 她说,有迹象

"I think I'm ready..." “我想我已经准备好了......”

what'll she sound like when she opens her mouth 什么会,她的声音就像当她一开口

and all the phrases sound right 和所有的词组正确的声音

as they fall out 因为他们闹翻

and she says "yes" and she's not 她说: “是的” ,她不

scared of the sound 害怕的声音

she says she's ready 她说,她已经准备好

will she be soft will she be strong 将她柔软将她强

will she be ready to be wrong 她会准备是错误的

will she move too fast or wait too long 她会移动过快或等待时间过长

will she look me in the eyes 她会看着我的眼睛

what'll it feel like when she opesn her heart 会是什么感觉就像当她opesn她的心脏

and finds that there just might be 并发现有只可能是

a small missing part 一小部分缺失

and whether with or without me 以及是否有或无我

she has to start getting ready 她已经开始准备

what'll she look like when she opens here eyes 什么将她看时,她在这里开眼睛像

will she see just what I see 她看到的只是我所看到的

will it be a surprise 会是一个惊喜

to see that she hasn't changed, 一看就知道,她并没有改变,

her eyes are just a little wider now 她的眼睛,有点宽,现在

and she's getting ready 她的准备

歌词 What'll She Look Like 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/what_ll-she-look-like/