歌词 "What Is Evil" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

What Is Evil



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[INTRO] [简介]


The following program deals with controversial subjects, and due to it's explicit nature, parental guidence is strongly advised. The theorys, opinions, and beliefs expressed are not the only possible interpretations. The viewer is invited to make a judgement based on all alvailable information. 下面的程序处理有争议的问题,并且由于它的明确性​​,指导做好父母的强烈建议。该theorys ,意见和表达信仰不是唯一可能的解释。观众被邀请做基于所有alvailable信息的判断。


Most people agree that evil exsists in this world, for some it's war, famine, or violence. For some it's a spiritual (?), and for other's, evil is a very real presence, a physical entity, of terrifying power. 大多数人都同意,邪恶exsists在这个世界上,对一些人来说战争,饥荒或暴力行为。对于一些人来说是一种精神( ? ) ,对于其他的,邪恶是一个非常现实的存在可怕的力量,一个物理实体。


What is evil? Is it mearly a dictionary definition for wrong or bad, or is it something more, a deeper, darker force that makes people perform cruel or inhuman acts. Does an evil force really exsist that can attract and then control the actions of human beings, or is evil nothing more than a convenient excuse for deviant and destructive behavior. These are questions without easy answer's and are continually debated by those who study the human mind and the human sprirt. 什么是恶?难道mearly的错误或不良字典的定义,或者是更多的东西,更深,更暗的力量,使人们进行残忍或不人道的行为。难道邪恶的力量真的exsist能够吸引并控制人类的行为,或者是邪恶的无非就是一个方便的借口,越轨和破坏性的行为。这些都是不容易回答的问题,并不断地被那些谁研究人类思维和人类sprirt辩论。


[5 or 6 dudes debating evil] [ 5或6的帅哥辩论邪恶]

歌词 What Is Evil 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/what-is-evil/