歌词 "What Else Can I Say" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

What Else Can I Say



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Where are you taking me? 你要带我吗?

I can't follow you there 我不能跟你有

What do you have in mind? 你有什么想法?

You know that I don't care 你知道,我不在乎


Where do you think I'm at? 你认为我是在哪里?

Thought I made it clear 想我说得很清楚

Please don't follow me back down 请不要跟着我回家

While I'm standing here 当我站在这里


Early in the morning 清晨

Waiting for me to rise 等我升到

The light of the new day dawning 新的一天来临之光

Catches the sun in your eyes 捕捉太阳在你的眼睛


Tonight,tonight, tonight 今晚,今晚,今晚

I'm standing here 我站在这里

And it's clear 而且很明显

I miss her 我很想念她

Tonight, she's so far away 今晚,她是如此遥远

What else can I say? 我还能说什么?

Because I know that she will never let me down 因为我知道,她永远不会让我失望

And I know she's gonna love me too 我知道她会爱我


Tonight, tonight, tonight 今晚,今晚,今晚

I'm standing here 我站在这里

And it's clear 而且很明显

I need her 我需要她

Tonight, she's so far away 今晚,她是如此遥远

What else can I say? 我还能说什么?

Because I know that she will never let me down 因为我知道,她永远不会让我失望

And I know that she is gonna love me too 我也知道她是要去爱我


Yeah, yeah 是啊,是啊

Yeah, yeah, yeah 是啊,是啊,是啊

歌词 What Else Can I Say 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/what-else-can-i-say/