歌词 "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

What A Friend We Have In Jesus



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What a friend we have in Jesus, 什么是朋友,我们有耶稣,

All our sins and griefs to bear! 我们所有的罪和悲痛来承担!

What a privilege to carry 什么是特权来进行

Everything to God in prayer! 一切都向上帝祷告!

O what peace we often forfeit, Ø什么和平,我们常常放弃,

O what needless pain we bear, Ø我们承受的不必要的痛苦,

All because we do not carry 这一切都是因为我们没有进行

Everything to God in prayer. 一切都向上帝祈祷。


Have we trials and temptations? 难道我们的试验和试探?

Is there trouble anywhere? 有麻烦的任何地方?

We should never be discouraged; 我们不应该气馁;

Take it to the Lord in prayer. 把它带到上帝祈祷。

Can we find a friend so faithful 我们可以找一个朋友,所以忠实

Who will all our sorrows share? 谁将会我们的忧伤分享?

Jesus knows our every weakness; 耶稣知道我们的每一个弱点;

Take it to the Lord in prayer. 把它带到上帝祈祷。

歌词 What A Friend We Have In Jesus 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/what-a-friend-we-have-in-jesus-1/

歌词 What A Friend We Have In Jesus 的作者与版权信息:


Bruce Brackman, Benny Jones, David Huntsinger, Dolly Parton, Julius Mckee, Charles C. Converse, Robert W.Mater Jr, Lionel Sr Bastiste, Pete Drake, Roger Hayward Lewis, Joyce Eilers Bacak, David Mark Baldwin, Aaron Joseph Neville, ErmantFranklin Jr, Craig Nelson, Joseph M. Scrivener, Kenneth Terry, Aretha Franklin, Johnny Martin, Craig Klein


Jenson Publications Inc., Springtime Music Inc., Universal Music - Careers, Duchess Music Corp., Velvet Apple Music, Soundcast Music, Bruton Music Ltd., Killer Tracks, Apache Red Music, Word Music LLC