歌词 "Weapon" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Don't talk to me about adversity 别和我谈逆境

I wrote the book against complacency í不要自满写的书

Over and over you tell me it's over 一遍又一遍,你告诉我,它已经结束了

The lies and lies and promises died 谎言和谎言和承诺死亡

So pull, feel my crosshair's focus upon your neck and chest 所以拉,在你的脖子和胸部感觉我的十字准线的重点

I will never be okay with being second best 我永远都不会好起来了是第二个最好的


So pull this trigger on your weapon 所以把这扳机上你的武器

So pull this trigger on your weapon 所以把这扳机上你的武器


All the frequencies are open 所有的频率都开

So can you hear me captain? 所以,你能听到我的队长?

My target is in range 我的目标是在范围内

I hear the voices chanting 我听到的声音呗

Over and over they tell me to cover 一遍又一遍,他们告诉我,以支付

The smiles and smiles, that everyone dies 微笑和微笑,每个人都死了

So pull, just like that you're feeling 所以拉,就这样,你的感觉

I pull my trigger finger 我拉我的扳机指

My bullet lodged inside your heart forever 你的心脏在我的子弹永远遁


So pull this trigger on your weapon 所以把这扳机上你的武器

So pull this trigger on your weapon 所以把这扳机上你的武器

歌词 Weapon 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/weapon-2/