歌词 "We're The Pet Shop Boys" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

We're The Pet Shop Boys



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[My Robot Friend cover] [我的机器人朋友盖板]


Suburbia's a slipstream 郊区的滑流

To a memory 到记忆

Of a time when you were 的时候,你是

Close to me 靠近我

I pretend 我假装

I'm there again 我在那里再次

I close my eyes and see you 我闭上双眼,看看你

Better than before 比以前更好

Then I feel you touch me 然后,我觉得你碰我

And it's 1984 而且1984年的

I know what you will say 我知道你会说

Before you start 在开始之前

In my heart 在我的心脏


We're the Pet Shop Boys 我们是宠物店男孩

We're the Pet Shop Boys 我们是宠物店男孩


Every thought's a fashion 每一个思想是一种时尚

Or a crime 或犯罪

And every boy is just 和每一个男孩只是

A waste of time 浪费时间

But I pretend 但我假装

It was different then 它是那么的不同

Maybe it's a habit 也许这是一种习惯

Maybe it's a sin 也许这是一种罪过

But I find out 但我发现了

When I try it on 当我尝试它

It crawls beneath my skin 它爬到我的皮肤之下

Once it gets inside me 一旦它得到我内心

It won't go 它不会去

Now I know 现在我知道


We're the Pet Shop Boys 我们是宠物店男孩

We're the Pet Shop Boys 我们是宠物店男孩


Rent 租金

Shopping 购物

Being boring 是无聊

It's alright 这是正常的

It's a sin 这是一种罪过

I'm not scared 我不害怕

In denial 否认

I want a dog 我想要一只狗

I want a lover 我想要一个情人

Can you forgive her? 你能原谅她吗?

Do I have to? 难道我有什么打算?

What have I? What have I? 我手里有什么?我手里有什么?

What have I done to deserve this? 我做了什么值得吗?


We're the Pet Shop Boys 我们是宠物店男孩

We're the Pet Shop Boys 我们是宠物店男孩

歌词 We're The Pet Shop Boys 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/we_re-the-pet-shop-boys/

歌词 We're The Pet Shop Boys 的作者与版权信息:


Howard Rigberg


Tape Recorder Music