歌词 "We Got Away With It" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

We Got Away With It


歌词相关歌手:LEO SAYER

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It was the opening night of a Rock 'n Roll travelling show 这是一个摇滚乐巡回演出的开幕之夜

And they all were there, I mean the faces everybody knows 他们都在那里,我的意思是每个人的面孔都知道的

As the long limbed beauty left the long black limousine 由于长肢美女离开了长长的黑色豪华轿车

The floor was wet as if the devil had prepared the scene 地板是湿的,犹如魔鬼所预备的一幕

A high heel cracks and over she goes 高跟鞋的裂缝和过她去


We got away with it, they'll never catch us anyway 我们带走了,他们永远不会赶上我们呢

We had the best of it, kids today well they just don't know… 我们有最好的吧,今天的孩子以及他们只是不知道...


Hey you remember him, he was the face of '78 嘿,你还记得他,他是78脸

He drove a pink sports car straight through his manager's gate 他开着一辆红色跑车就看穿了他的经理的门

Yeah the alarms went off, but just a little bit too late 是的警报响起,但只是一点点为时已晚

As his tyres dug deeper through the lawns of the great estate 由于他的轮胎通过大智慧的草坪挖更深

He drove into the pool and he couldn't escape, no 他开车到池中,他无法逃脱,没有


He got away with it, frogmen and cranes raised his legend high 他带走了它,蛙人和吊车抬起传奇高

They made a song of it, feed the fish to close – you die 他们用它制成的一首歌,喂鱼,收 - 死你


You gotta go for it, someone will always tell you no 你得去了,总会有人告诉你没有

Fly in the face of it, showbiz folks always put on a show… 飞在它的面前,演艺圈的人总是作秀...


Living the high life – big time 生活在上流社会的生活 - 大时代

Living outside the law 生活在法律之外

Living the bright light – high time – that's what living's for… 生活在明亮的光线 - 高时间 - 这就是生活的的...


He was a rock god adonis in the big hotel 他是在大酒店摇滚之神阿多尼斯

Where they partied all night, every night a different girl 在那里他们痛饮了一夜,每天晚上不同的女孩

Yeah the drugs came in, the money went out, nobody really cared 是的药品进来,钱出去了,没有人真正关心

When the candle fell over and the flames lit his bleach blond hair 当蜡烛倒下,火焰点燃了他漂白的金发

The dude slept through it as the fireball flared. yeah 通过它的家伙睡的火球爆发。耶


We got away with it, sometimes I stop just to reminisce 我们没事的吧,有时候我刚停下来回忆

Right in the thick of it, lips pursed waiting for stardom's kiss 就在它的厚,嘴唇撅起等待明星的吻


We love the smell of it, the fame and fortune is our goal 我们喜欢它的气味,名利是我们的目标

Selfish and spoilt by it, days lived hard slowly taking their toll 自私的,被宠坏了它,日子很难住着慢慢造成了不良


We got away with it, I got some stories I can't tell 我们带走了它,我得到了一些故事,我不知道

But hey there's a book in it, human suffering always sells 但是,嘿,有一本书在里面,人类的苦难总是卖


Always sells… 总是卖...

歌词 We Got Away With It 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/we-got-away-with-it/