歌词 "Waste The Day" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Waste The Day



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The streets are all busy 街道都很忙

And we're still in bed 而且我们仍然在床上

We should be up working 我们应该起来工作

But we're lying here instead 但是我们躺在这里,而不是

I look outside, the weather's fine 我看着外面,天气的优良

For playing music, and drinking wine 播放音乐,喝酒,


I could waste the day with you 我可以跟你浪费这一天

I could slip away 我可以溜走

Into another dimension 到另一个维度

What a perfect way, to spend the day, with you 多么完美的方式,来度过一天,与你


Let's walk to the cafe 让我们步行到咖啡厅

And sit in the sun 而坐在阳光下

And read all the papers 并阅读所有的文章

And watch everyone 看着大家

Cause life is short, and life is sweet 因为生命是短暂的,生活是甜蜜

And sometimes you've just got to set yourself free 有时你拿到自己设置免费


I could waste the day with you 我可以跟你浪费这一天

I could slip away 我可以溜走

Into another dimension 到另一个维度

What a perfect way, to spend the day, with you 多么完美的方式,来度过一天,与你


I could waste the day with you 我可以跟你浪费这一天

I could slip away 我可以溜走

Into another dimension 到另一个维度

What a perfect way, to spend the day 多么完美的方式,来度过一天

Yeah what a perfect way, to spend the day, with you 是啊什么是完美的方式,来度过一天,与你

歌词 Waste The Day 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/waste-the-day-1/