歌词 "Wandering And Wondering" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Wandering And Wondering



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I have been wandering and wondering 我一直在徘徊,不知道

Oh, and I could not remember a time when you sounded so sad, sad 哦,我不记得的时候,你听起来是那么伤心,难过

And I can't become the one who'll make you happy again 我不能成为一个谁会让你重新快乐起来

I have been talking with people at night 我一直在说的人在晚上

At night, people have told me that you've been looking my way 到了晚上,人们都对我说,你一直在寻找我的路

Why can't I see through the dark aura you cast every time? 通过你施放每一次黑暗光环为什么我不能看?


I wish for a time when my soul would not fall 我想在的时候,我的灵魂不倒

I have been wandering, watching, and wondering 我一直在徘徊,观望,怀疑和

If you, you will be with me tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight 如果是你,你会和我在一起,今晚,今晚,今晚,今晚

I, why have I been out wandering through people? 我为什么我已经出过的人徘徊?


Getting older, lying alone 年纪越来越大,独自躺在

You would think that I have been lonely 你可能会认为我一直孤独

But you have no idea 但你不知道

You cling to me with my forgiving call and I wonder 你抱住我,我的宽容的电话,我不知道

Why I cannot venture to guess why I'm looking so down on myself 为什么我不能冒昧地猜测,为什么我在寻找这样下来我自己

I have been wandering, wandering, and wondering 我一直在徘徊,徘徊,不知道

歌词 Wandering And Wondering 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/wandering-and-wondering/

歌词 Wandering And Wondering 的作者与版权信息:


Kina Grannis, Kina Kasuya Grannis


Kina Grannis Music, BMG Platinum Songs Us, BMG Platinum Songs, One Haven Music Publishing