歌词 "Walking Higher" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Walking Higher



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I carry you with me, 我背你与我,

A ghost inside 鬼里面

And in these shattered arms 而在这些破碎的武器

You're still alive. 你还活着。

I carry you with me, 我背你与我,

A holy shrine 圣洁的神殿

And dogs and angels follow 狗和天使跟随

Right behind. 右后方。


And could I be walking higher, 而我能行走较高,

Could I be right beside her ? 我能在她身边吗?


The bones they buried 他们埋葬尸骨

Will feed the trees 将饲料树

But every word you ever spoke 但每一个字,你曾经谈到

Is still in me. 仍是我。


And could I be walking higher, 而我能行走较高,

Could I be right beside her ? 我能在她身边吗?


And I will feel for you in the music. 我会在音乐对你的感觉。

And I will send that river home. 我会送回家。308。

And I will cry for you sometimes 我会为你哭,有时

When the night is down. 当夜晚下来。

And I raise my head up to the mountains, 我提出我的头上山,

Talk to the birds and I fly 聊到鸟类和我飞

'cause the spirit lives on, “导致精神永存,

When the body dies 当身体死亡


And could I be walking higher, 而我能行走较高,

Could I be right beside her? 我能在她身边吗?

Could I be walking higher 我可以走更高

Could I be right beside her? 我能在她身边吗?

歌词 Walking Higher 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/walking-higher/

歌词 Walking Higher 的作者与版权信息:


Heather Nova


Big Life Music Ltd.