歌词 "Walk Through This World With Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Walk Through This World With Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Walk through this world with me go where I go 走过这个世界跟我走,我走

Share all my dreams with me I need you so 分享我所有的梦想与我,我需要你

In life we search and some of us find I've looked for you a long long time 在生活中我们能找到一些人觉得我找了你很久很久

And now that I found you new horizons I see 现在我找到了你新的视野喔

Come take my hand and walk through this world with me 再来看看我的手,走过这个世界与我


Walk through this world with me go where I go 走过这个世界跟我走,我走

Share all my dreams with me I've searched for you so 分享我所有的梦想跟我,我找你这么

And now that I found you new horizons I see 现在我找到了你新的视野喔

Come take my hand and walk through this world with me 再来看看我的手,走过这个世界与我

Come take my hand and walk through this world with me 再来看看我的手,走过这个世界与我

歌词 Walk Through This World With Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/walk-through-this-world-with-me-1/

歌词 Walk Through This World With Me 的作者与版权信息:


Sandra Seamons, Kay Savage


Pappy Daily Music Llp, Glad Music Pub & Recording Llp