歌词 "Waitin' For A Superman (Is It Gettin' Heavy?)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Waitin' For A Superman (Is It Gettin' Heavy?)

等待着为超人(这是刚开了重? )


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Asked you a question 问你一个问题

I didn't need you to reply 我并不需要你回复

Is it gettin' heavy? 难道是刚开了沉重?

But they'll realize 但是,他们就会意识到

Is it gettin' heavy? 难道是刚开了沉重?

Well I thought it was already as heavy 嗯,我认为这已经是重

As can be 由于可


Is it overwhelming 它是压倒性的

To use a crane to crush a fly? 如果要使用起重机粉碎苍蝇?

It's a good time for Superman 这是一个好时机超人

To lift the sun into the sky 解除太阳而起


'Cause it's gettin' heavy “因为它是刚开了重

Well I thought it was already as heavy 嗯,我认为这已经是重

As can be 由于可


Tell everybody 告诉大家

Waitin' for Superman 等着超人

That they should try to hold on 他们应该尝试举办

Best they can 竭尽所能

He hasn't dropped them 他还没有降到他们

Forgot them 忘记他们

Or anything 或任何

It's just too heavy for Superman to lift 这太沉重了超人举起


Is it gettin' heavy? 难道是刚开了沉重?

Well I thought it was already as heavy as can be. 嗯,我还以为是已经重如可以。


Tell everybody 告诉大家

Waitin' for Superman 等着超人

That they should try to hold on 他们应该尝试举办

Best they can 竭尽所能

He hasn't dropped them 他还没有降到他们

Forgot them 忘记他们

Or anything 或任何

It's just too heavy for Superman to lift 这太沉重了超人举起

歌词 Waitin' For A Superman (Is It Gettin' Heavy?) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/waitin_-for-a-superman-is-it-gettin_-heavy/