歌词 "Vive La Commune De Paris" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Vive La Commune De Paris

维瓦拉蒂公社De Paris酒店


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

Vive la Commune De Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社De Paris酒店

For the love of God 为了上帝的爱

IN the name of freedom 以自由的名义

For the crippled and the poor 对于残缺和穷人



The bells ring out the tambourine beats 钟声响起铃鼓的节拍

The rise and fall of voices 上升和下降的声音

The sound of marching feet 行军的脚步声

Signals the demise of the Capet dynasty 信号的卡佩王朝的灭亡



It's not whether now but when 这不是是否,但现在,当

The King and Queen have only men 国王和王后都只有男人

From Switzerland to defend the Tuileries 从瑞士到保卫杜乐丽

Remorseless as a rising tide 无情的涨潮

The san culottes prepare to die 圣裙裤准备后事

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎


[CHORUS] [合唱]

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎



Vive la Commune de Paris in God's name 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎以上帝的名义


[CHORUS] [合唱]

In God's name 以上帝的名义



Vive la Commune de Paris 维瓦拉蒂公社巴黎

For the 对于



Halt and the maimed 制止和残废



Who have no Pope and no hope of paradise 谁没有教皇和没有希望的天堂


[CHORUS] [合唱]

No hope of paradise 天堂没有希望



And nothing to lose but their miserable earthly lives... ,却一无所有,但他们悲惨的尘世生活...


[CHORUS] [合唱]

Nothing to lose but their lives 没什么可失去的,但他们的生活



Everyone under the sun has the power 阳光下的每个人都有权力

To change the way the world is arranged 改变世界的排列方式


[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

If you don't use it 如果你不使用它

The powers that be will abuse it 是这样的权力会滥用它

Give up but half of our power 放弃,但一半的力量

And you'll get shafted 你会得到杆身


[CHORUS] [合唱]

Vi......ve la Commune de Paris 六......已经拉公社巴黎



Vive la, vive la, viva la Commune 万岁,万岁,万岁公社

Vive la, vive la, viva la Commune de Paris 万岁,万岁,万岁公社巴黎

歌词 Vive La Commune De Paris 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/vive-la-commune-de-paris/

歌词 Vive La Commune De Paris 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《Ça Ira》
  • 专辑年份:2005
  • 类别:album
A Garden In Vienna 1765
Madame Antoine, Madame Antoine
Kings, Sticks And Birds
Honest Bird, Simple Bird
I Want To Be King
Let Us Break All The Shields
The Grievances Of The People
France In Disarray
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live
Slavers, Landlords, Bigots At Your Door
The Fall Of The Bastille
To Freeze In The Dead Of Night
So To The Streets In The Pouring Rain
Dances And Marches
Now Hear Ye!
Flushed With Wine
The Letter
My Dear Cousin Bourbon Of Spain
The Ship Of State Is All At Sea
Silver, Sugar And Indigo
To The Windward Isles
The Papal Edict
In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground
The Fugitive King
But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve
To Take Your Hat Off
The Echoes Never Fade From That Fusillade
The Commune De Paris
Vive La Commune De Paris
The National Assembly Is Confused
The Execution Of Louis Capet
Adieu Louis For You It's Over
Marie Antoinette / The Last Night On Earth
Adieu My Good And Tender Sister
And In The Bushes Where They Survive
Thea Sonata
Não Devo Nada
I Want To Live In A Wigwam
Vamos Dar Glória
Bothan Àirigh Am Bràigh Raithneach (A Sheiling On The Braes Of Rannoch)
60 Segundos
Dès Que Je Te Vois
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36