歌词 "Vicious Streak" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Vicious Streak


歌词相关歌手:NEW ORDER

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What am I gonna do 我该怎么办

I feel like I'm on fire 我觉得我在燃烧

If you only knew 如果你只知道

That you're the object of desire 那你欲望的对象


I keep hanging on, keep hanging on 我一直悬着,让挂在

And I swear by God that you're the only one 我指着神起誓,你是唯一一个

I keep hanging on, keep hanging on 我一直悬着,让挂在

And I swear by God that it won't be long 我指着神起誓,它不会很长


My aim is true 我的目标是真实的

My vision is clear 我的目标是明确的

My thoughts are crude 我的想法是原油

Whenever you're near 每当你靠近


I keep hanging on, keep hanging on 我一直悬着,让挂在

And I swear by God that you're the only one 我指着神起誓,你是唯一一个

I keep hanging on, keep hanging on 我一直悬着,让挂在

And I swear by God that it won't be long 我指着神起誓,它不会很长


I keep hanging on 我一直挂在


You've got a vicious streak 你已经有了一个恶性连胜

For someone so young 有人这么年轻

You're like solar flair 你就像太阳风骚

In the rising sun 在初升的太阳


I keep hanging on 我一直挂在

I keep hanging on 我一直挂在

I keep hanging on 我一直挂在

I keep hanging on 我一直挂在

歌词 Vicious Streak 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/vicious-streak/

歌词 Vicious Streak 的作者与版权信息:


Peter Hook, Gillian Lesley Gilbert, Bernard, Stephen Paul David Morris


Vitalturn Co. Ltd.