歌词 "Vicarious Atonement" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Vicarious Atonement



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Don't you pretend 难道你不假装

That I'm not alive 我不是还活着

My bones never ache 我的骨头永远疼

Unless she's nearby 除非她是附近

Where is your face 哪里是你的脸

In a safe of dead tongues 在死者的舌头安全

I can see your reflection 我可以看到你的倒影

In your totem first born 在你的图腾最早诞生

I suspect 我怀疑

You've been carrying a pack of wolves 你一直背着一群狼

I regret 我很遗憾

Not killing you while I had the chance 不杀了你,而我有机会


Maybe I will always haunt you 也许我会一直缠着你

Mark the somnolence with truth 马克与真理的嗜睡

Better hang your dead palace 好挂你死宫内

Than have a living home to lose 不是有一个生活家减肥

In the river ganges God damns my name 在恒河神damns我的名字


Don't let these hands 不要让这些手

Sharpen your eyes 锐化你的眼睛

A rasp of tails 尾部的锉刀

歌词 Vicarious Atonement 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/vicarious-atonement/

歌词 Vicarious Atonement 的作者与版权信息:


Omar Rodriguez, Cedric Bixler


Hija De Lola, Emi April Music Inc., Amputekhture