歌词 "Vancouver (Studio) (Richard's On Richards)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Vancouver (Studio) (Richard's On Richards)

温哥华(工作室) (理查德在理查兹)


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

She's a different kind of girl 她是一个不同类型的女孩

The kind you see in pictures 你在图片中看到的那种

I think you might have seen her 我想你可能已经看到了她

Richard's on Richards 理查德对理查兹


You know what I mean 你知道我的意思

You know what I mean 你知道我的意思

You know what I mean, bean 你明白我的意思,豆

Richards 理查兹


She doesn't ride a motorbike 她不骑摩托车

She says it doesn't fit her 她说,它不适合她

But she always wears a monocle 但她总是戴着单片眼镜

Richard's on Richards 理查德对理查兹


You know what I mean 你知道我的意思

You know what I mean 你知道我的意思

You know what I mean, bean 你明白我的意思,豆

Richards 理查兹


Look over there, check out her hair 看那边,看看她的头发

She's really on an ego trip 她真的在一个自我之旅


You know what I mean 你知道我的意思

You know what I mean 你知道我的意思

You know what I mean, bean 你明白我的意思,豆

Richards 理查兹

歌词 Vancouver (Studio) (Richard's On Richards) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/vancouver-studio-richard_s-on-richards/

歌词 Vancouver (Studio) (Richard's On Richards) 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《Venue Songs》
Greeting From The Deranged Millionaire
Dallas (Studio) (Trees)
Albany (Studio) (The Egg)
Los Angeles (Studio) (West Hollywood House Of Blues, Or Hollywood)
Anaheim (Studio) (Anaheim House Of Blues)
Vancouver (Studio) (Richard's On Richards)
Pittsburgh (Studio) (Mr. Small's)
Asheville (The Orange Peel)
Glasgow (T-H-E-G-A-R-A-G-E, Or The Garage)
Charlottesville (Studio) (Starr Hill Music Hall)
Asbury Park (Studio) (Stone Pony)
Goodbye From The Deranged Millionaire
Damn Good Times
Experimental Film
Bastard Wants To Hit Me
I'm All You Can Think About
Love Is Eternity
Renew My Subscription
Taste The Fame
Tippecanoe And Tyler Too
The Bloodmobile
Omaha (Sokol Auditorium)
Houston (Meridian)
Leeds (Leeds Irish Center)
New Orleans (New Orleans House Of Blues)
Columbia (The Blue Note)
Santa Cruz (The Catalyst)
Minneapolis (First Avenue Stage)
Tucson (City Limits)
San Francisco (Fillmore)
Memphis (Gibson Lounge, Or Gibson Beale Theme)
Charleston (The Music Farm)
Atlanta (Variety Playhouse, Or Variety Playhouse Freak-In)
Farmingdale (The Downtown)
New Haven (Toad's Place, a.k.a. Toad's Place (A-))
London (The Astoria, Or At The As-Tore-Eye-Yea)
Raleigh (Lincoln Theatre)
Towson (Recher Theatre)
St. Louis (Mississippi Nights)
Philadelphia (T.L.A.)
Austin (Stubbs, Or Stubb's)
Dallas (Trees)
Albany (The Egg)
Los Angeles (West Hollywood House Of Blues)
Anaheim (Anaheim House Of Blues)
Vancouver (Richard's On Richards)
Pittsburgh (Mr. Small's)
Charlottesville (Starr Hill Music Hall)
Asbury Park (Stone Pony)
Brooklyn (Celebrate Brooklyn)
Love, Love, Love
Live My Life
Old Love
Going Back To Birmingham
Rumble Young Man Rumble
Blue Suede Shoes
With You
You're Beautiful
Time Will Tell
Go The Distance
We Had To Tear This Muthafucka Up
Sleep All Day
Football Hero