歌词 "Vagabond Virgin" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Vagabond Virgin



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Tell me how you want me to be, then look again and you will see 告诉我,你要我怎么可以,然后再看看,你会看到

That I'm still the same love 那我还是一样的爱

Think me into any shape, your twisted mind has no escape 想想我变成任何形状,你扭曲的心灵没有逃脱

But don't be ashamed, love, it's just a game, love 但不感到羞耻,爱情,这只是一个游戏,爱

But don't be ashamed, love, it's just a game, love 但不感到羞耻,爱情,这只是一个游戏,爱

You can learn how to play 你可以学习如何玩


Born like you were in a terrible mess, didn't know what it was to have a new dress 天生喜欢你的一塌糊涂,不知道这是什么有一个新衣服

You just wanted to scream out my name 你只是想尖叫我的名字

Till somebody said, 'Let me take you to bed' 直到有人说:“让我带你上床”

And with money and lies they filled up your head 与金钱和谎言,他们填补了你的头

You were barely thirteen, a child from the villages 你勉强13 ,从农村孩子

So fresh on the scene 所以在现场新鲜

歌词 Vagabond Virgin 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/vagabond-virgin/

歌词 Vagabond Virgin 的作者与版权信息:


Jim Capaldi, Dave Mason


Island Music Ltd.