歌词 "Ups And Downs" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Ups And Downs



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If you can't feel it, keep on tryin' 如果你感觉不到它,继续尝试着

'Cause that's the way it's got to be, yeah, yeah, yeah 因为那就是它一定是对了,是啊,是啊,是啊

It's comin' down and I ain't buyin' 它的坠落下来,我是不是买入

It's gonna' take a long time to catch up with me 这是要去需要很长的时间来追上我


And when you notice your condition 而当你发现你的条件

Maybe you'll want to stay with me, yeah, yeah, yeah 也许你会想和我在一起,是啊,是啊,是啊

Then we can find the true definition 然后我们就可以找到真正的定义

The answer's here, right here with me 答案在这里,就在这里陪我


Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船


Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船


Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船

Row, row, row your boat 行,行,行你的船


I want the world to know my reason 我想让世界知道我的理由

And if you help me find a way, yeah, yeah, yeah 如果你能帮我找到一个方法,是啊,是啊,是啊

I'll bring my own and keep on pleasin' 我给我自己的,不断惬意“

'Cause baby, this is the way I'm gonna' stay 因为宝贝,这是我要的方式“留

歌词 Ups And Downs 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ups-and-downs/

歌词 Ups And Downs 的作者与版权信息:


Mark Farner


Cram-renraff Co.