歌词 "Uppermost" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:JACKSON 5

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

(Uppermost, uppermost) (最,最上面)

(Uppermost on my mind) (最上我的心)


Why would you accuse me of inconsideration 你为什么要指责不周的我

When every minute and every hour 当每一分每一小时

I'm at your beck and call, ooh 我在你的使唤,嚯


I just can't sleep at night 我只是不能在晚上睡觉

Until I know that you're alright 直到我知道你没事

And the days, well let's not talk about them at all, ooh 与天,好让我们不要谈论它们,嚯


"Cause you're the uppermost on my mind, uppermost on my mind “因为你是最上面的在我脑海里,最上层在我心中

Don't you know I think about you all of the time 难道你不知道我想你所有的时间

I said, said, said that you're the uppermost on my mind, uppermost on mind 我说,说,说,你在我心中最上层,最上层的心灵

First in every way (Every way) 首先以各种方式(每路)

First baby come of May 第一个孩子到来的五月

You're the uppermost, uppermost, uppermost on my mind 你最上面,最上面,最上面在我心中


(Uppermost, uppermost) (最,最上面)

(On my mind) (在我心中)


Ooh, I guess I'm tired and guilty 哦,我想我累了,犯

Of thinking about myself 的想着自己

But I got to be together baby to take care of you, oh yes I do 但我一定是一起宝宝照顾你,哦,是我做的


And as long as you love me (Lovin' me) 只要你爱我(爱我)

I'm gonna try my best to see (Best to see) 我会尽我所能看到(最好看)

That the moments to myself are very few oh, oh, oh 那刹那我自己都很少哦,哦,哦


You're the uppermost on my mind, uppermost on my mind 你在我心中最上层在我心中,最上面的

Don't you know I think about you baby all of the time 难道你不知道我想你的时候,所有的时间

Yeah, yeah, yeah you're the uppermost on my mind, uppermost on my mind 是啊,是啊,是啊,你是我心中最上层,最上层在我心中

First in every way (Every way) 首先以各种方式(每路)

First lovin' me today 首先爱着我今天

You're the uppermost, uppermost, uppermost on my mind yeah, yeah 你最上面,最上面,最上面的在我的脑海耶,耶

You're the uppermost on my mind, uppermost on my mind 你在我心中最上层在我心中,最上面的

Don't you know I think about you all the time 难道你不知道,我想你的时候

歌词 Uppermost 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/uppermost/