歌词 "Up Up And Away" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Up Up And Away



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We had a rocket 我们有一个火箭

That fell out of orbit 这摔出轨道

We couldn't stop it 我们不能阻止它

We couldn't control it 我们无法控制它


We ran a good course 我们跑了一个很好的过程

It was a good flight 这是一个很好的飞行

But I felt the hard force 不过,我觉得硬力

Holding me too tight 抱着我太紧张


[CHORUS:] [合唱: ]

We are rockets in the sky 我们是在天空火箭

We are planets passing by 我们是行星经过

Up up and away UP UP客场

Forget me 忘了我

Go your own way 走自己的路


Sometimes a heart cools 有时心脏冷却

After the ship goes 后船去

And sometimes the mind fools 有时头脑的傻瓜

Only the body knows 只有身体知道


[CHORUS] [合唱]


Up up and away [REPEAT] UP UP和远[重复]


[CHORUS (x2)] [合唱( X2 ) ]


Up up and away [REPEAT] UP UP和远[重复]

歌词 Up Up And Away 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/up-up-and-away-3/