歌词 "Unexpected" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:VIEW, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Cut out your pictures now, I know that you are near. 现在是削减了你的照片,我知道你靠近。

Tack them into the frame for now, as I know that you'll be here. 钉成的框架,现在,因为我知道你会来的。

It's not just me you know, there's a lot of ruined smiles, 这不只是我,你知道,有很多毁了笑容,

And I remain so strong for them, even though, 而我依然那么强对他们来说,即使,

I'm burst inside. 我在里面爆裂。


It was unexpected, 这是出乎意料的,

But I always should have known, 但我总应该知道,

That you would lead a shortened life coz your light was running low. 你会导致缩短寿命怎么把你的光芒是所剩无几。


Felt I was one with you, and you reassured my head, 觉得我是人跟你,你放心我的头,

Didn't seem the same when you were lying in your bed. 似乎没有相同的,当你躺在你的床上。

No trips to our secret place since you left me on my own, 没有前往我们的秘密的地方,因为你离开了我对我自己的,

You said that you would never leave and your soul would linger on. 你说,你永远不会离开,你的灵魂会流连忘返。


It was unexpected, 这是出乎意料的,

But I always should have known, 但我总应该知道,

That you would lead a shortened life as your light was running low. 你会过短暂的生命为你的光已所剩无几。


You should have told me when, 你应该告诉我的时候,

When you decided to give in. 当你决定放弃。

I wasn't ready for the blow, 我是不是准备好打击,

And now my sun has turned to snow. 现在我的太阳已经变成了雪。


Cut out your pictures now I know that you are near. 切出你的照片,现在我知道你靠近。

Tack them into the frame for now, as I know you won't be here 钉成的框架,现在,因为我知道你会不会在这里

歌词 Unexpected 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/unexpected-3/

歌词 Unexpected 的作者与版权信息:


Steven Morrison, Kieren Webster, Kyle Falconer, Peter Reilly


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.