歌词 "Under Zenith" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Under Zenith



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

maybe they'll come back again maybe 也许他们会再回来,也许

they're all gone 他们都走了

one day you'll find me sending their 有一天你会发现我把他们的

message strong 消息强

under your feet the city falls down so far 在你脚下的城市倒下为止

the ground is sky 地面的天空

we're under zenith again, 我们在天顶一遍,

it's healthy if not for long 它是健康的,如果时间不长

leave a little room for us to breathe 留一点空间给我们呼吸


much more than seven days and you've 远远超过七天,你已经

slipped to deep 滑落到深

much stronger than sympathy, let your 比同情更强大,让你

best friend pull back that 最好的朋友拉回来了

leash 皮带

sitting by a frozen man, someone 坐在冰冻的人,有人

somewhere has to cry 某处有哭


were under zenith again let the cycle run 是天顶下再次让循环运行

we won't die 我们不会死

leave a little room for us to breathe 留一点空间给我们呼吸


I love how you let me fall 我爱你怎么让我失望

under but not to far 下,但尚未到远

I love how you let me fall 我爱你怎么让我失望

only now I see where we are 只是现在我看到我们在哪里

hold me 抱紧我

歌词 Under Zenith 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/under-zenith/