歌词 "Two Mules Pull This Wagon" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Two Mules Pull This Wagon



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well you come home most every night as grouchy as can be 那么你每天晚上不高兴一样可以回家最

And start right in a pickin' on our little kids and me 并开始正确的再找我们的小孩和我

I'm sick and tired of hearin' are you worth keep you a trigon 我厌倦了赫林的“都是你值得让你特里贡

Cause you seem to forget big boy that two mules pull this wagon 因为你似乎忘记了大男孩的两头骡子拉这个车

Yeah two mules pull this wagon you don't do it by yourself 是的两头骡子拉这车你不要自己来做

I know you've got a heavy load but it give you lots of hell 我知道你已经有了一个沉重的负荷,但它带给你无限地狱

I do my share of pullin' and I don't mean to be bridled 我做我的份额普林的,我的意思不是完全不受约束

But you seem to forget big boy that two mules pull this wagon 但你似乎忘记了大男孩的两头骡子拉这个车

[ guitar - steel ] [吉他 - 钢铁]

Well I guess you think while you're at work I sit and watch TV 嗯,我猜你觉得当你在工作中我坐着看电视

But you'd learn different honey if you'd spent one day with me 但你会发现不同的蜂蜜,如果你花了一天与我

I'm washin' ironin' cookin' so and find out for your nigher 我时洗ironin 乱打,因此,找出你的nigher

But you seem to forget big boy that two mules pull this wagon 但你似乎忘记了大男孩的两头骡子拉这个车

Yeah two mules pull this wagon... 是的两头骡子拉车这...

Yeah you seem to forget big boy that two mules pull this wagon 是的,你似乎忘记了大男孩的两头骡子拉这个车

歌词 Two Mules Pull This Wagon 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/two-mules-pull-this-wagon/