歌词 "Two Hearts" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Two Hearts



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I went out walking the other day 我出去走了一天

Seen a little girl crying along the way 看到一个小女孩一路哭

She'd been hurt so bad said she'd never love again 她被伤害了这么坏的说,她再也不会爱

Someday your crying girl will end 有一天你哭的女孩将结束

And you'll find once again 你会发现再一次


Two hearts are better than one 两心,胜过一个诸葛亮

Two hearts girl get the job done 两心的女孩把工作做好

Two hearts are better than one 两心,胜过一个诸葛亮


Once I spent my time playing tough guy scenes 有一次,我花了我的时间玩硬汉场景

But I was living in a world of childish dreams 不过,我住在幼稚的梦想世界

Someday these childish dreams must end 总有一天,这些幼稚的梦想必须结束

To become a man and grow up to dream again 要成为一个男人和再长大的梦想

Now I believe in the end 现在,我相信到最后


Two hearts are better than one 两心,胜过一个诸葛亮

Two hearts girl get the job done 两心的女孩把工作做好

Two hearts are better than one 两心,胜过一个诸葛亮


Sometimes it might seem like it was planned 有时,它看起来就像是策划

for you to roam empty hearted through this land 对于您透过这片土地漫游空心肠

Though the world turns you hard and cold 虽然世界变成你又硬又冷

There's one thing mister, that I know 有一件事老总,我知道

That's if you think your heart is stone 这就是,如果你觉得你的心脏是石头

And that you're rough enough to whip this world alone 那你是粗糙的,足以独自掀起这个世界

Alone buddy there ain't no peace of mind 仅好友没有不放心

That's why I'll keep searching till I find my special one 这就是为什么我会继续寻找,直到找到我特别的一个


Two hearts are better than one 两心,胜过一个诸葛亮

Two hearts girl get the job done 两心的女孩把工作做好

Two hearts are better than one 两心,胜过一个诸葛亮

歌词 Two Hearts 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/two-hearts-3/