歌词 "Tulsa" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You taste of potato chips in the morning 你在早晨品尝薯片

Your face has the Marlon Brando club calling 你的脸上有马龙白兰度俱乐部电话

And who would have thought that I'd owe it all to Tulsa? 而谁又能想到,我欠这一切塔尔萨?

And that fat guy with the green shirt that we both signed together 而这胖家伙的绿色衬衫,我们都共同签署

Once he hears the song, won't live it down forever 有一次,他听到这首歌,就不会活了下来永远


Your suit was the whitest thing since you-know-who 你的衣服是白的事情,因为你知道是谁

I fear that that savior I mentioned may be you 我担心的救世主我提到的可能是你

And who would have thought that I'd owe it all to Tulsa? 而谁又能想到,我欠这一切塔尔萨?

And that poor girl who waited in the rain for hours to meet me (not you, baby!) 而那个可怜的女孩谁守在雨中的时间,以满足我(没有你,宝贝! )

Once she hears that song, won't live it down completely 有一次,她听到这首歌,会不会住下来完全


And I owe it all to Tulsa, Oklahoma 我欠这一切俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨

This is just a reminder of the antique shop that I want to go back to and visit when it's open 这是古玩店只是一个提醒,我想回去,并参观时,它的开放

In Tulsa, Oklahoma 在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨

Just in case you don't appreciate this song about you! 万一你不喜欢这首歌你!

歌词 Tulsa 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tulsa-2/

歌词 Tulsa 的作者与版权信息:


Rufus Wainwright


Put Tit On Music, WB Music Corp.