歌词 "Truth Gonna Hurt You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Truth Gonna Hurt You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Intro:] [简介: ]

Future Hendricks 未来亨德里克斯

My experience 我的经验

Feel my music, hear my music 觉得我的音乐,听我的音乐

It's a cold-cold-cold world baby 这是一个寒冷的冷,冷的世界宝贝

Put on your coat 穿上你的外套

Preferably, check sure 'bout it 最好检查确定回合它


[Hook:] [钩: ]

I didn't wanna lie to ya (aye) 我没有想要骗你,(赞成)

But it sound more fly to ya (yeah) 但它听起来更飞雅(耶)

I didn't wanna lie to ya (whoa whoa whoa) 我没有想要骗你,(哇喔哇)

I swear it sound way fly to ya (aye) 我发誓这声音的方式飞雅(赞成)

Cause the truth gone hurt you 事业的事实去了哪伤害你

The truth gone hurt you 事实上去了哪里伤害了你

I swear the truth gonna hurt you 我发誓,真相会伤害你

Truth gon' hurt you (yeah yeah yeah) 真理会去伤害你(耶)


I live a California lifestyle 我住加州的生活方式

All these girls around me, gone wild 我周围的这些女孩,狂野

And I'm so caught up in my own style 而我太过于我自己的风格

I can't see you niggas in the crowd 我看不到你黑鬼在人群中

I'm so far, ain't gonna never come down 我到目前为止,是不会永远降下来

You can ask around, I run the town 你可以问问身边,我跑镇

Everyday for me, a fashion show 每天对我来说,一场时装秀

I'm Future Hendricks and I run Pluto (space) 我未来的亨德里克斯和我跑冥王星(空间)

I'm a rock star forever, I need to get my act together 我是一个摇滚明星永远,我需要让我的共同行动

When changin' up the weather, it's so hard to be settle (yeah yeah) 当起了变化了天气,它是如此难以成为稳定(是啊是啊)

Since we first got together 自从我们第一次在一起

Things changed for the better 事情变好

I got die-hard fans and they treat me very special 我有铁杆球迷,他们对我很特别

Heard about forty bitches in the lobby 听说在大堂40母狗

Ask me about it, I don't know about it 问我这件事,我不知道这件事


[Hook] [钩]


I'm boarding a first class flight 我乘坐头等舱飞行

I ain't pack a bag over night 我是不是包一包过夜

Cause I'm a shop when I land 因为我在我的土地商店

Yea, I'm a shop when I land 是的,我在我的土地商店

When you playin' with them band 当你在玩“他们带

Five suite hotel, that's all where we staying 五套房酒店,这就是我们住

I'm frustrated 我很沮丧

And I been up lately 我是最近最多

(Just thinkin' of shit you know what I mean) (只是想着​​狗屎,你明白我的意思)

Goin' over my plan 布莱恩了我的计划

Feel like I'm sinking in sand 觉得我那颗沙

Two thangs you wouldn't understand 两个thangs你不会明白

I live the high life 我住的高寿命

Sex surf and money 性别冲浪和金钱

Everything we do, we do it always to the morning 我们所做的一切,我们做它总是在早上

I got a trio, tryna suck me up like Tito 我得到了一个三重奏, tryna吸我像铁托

Ain't fallin' in lust 是不是掉到淫欲

You need to trust when I tell you 你需要的时候我告诉你要相信


[Hook] [钩]

歌词 Truth Gonna Hurt You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/truth-gonna-hurt-you/

歌词 Truth Gonna Hurt You 的作者与版权信息:


Nayvadius Wilburn, Michael Len Williams, Asheton Terrence O. Niel Hogan


Nayvadius Maximus Music, Sounds From Eardrummers LLC, Irving Music Inc., Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., WB Music Corp.