歌词 "Trust You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Trust You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I can't walk without watching where I'm going 我不能走路不看我要去哪里

I can't speak without knowing what to say 我不能说不知道该说些什么

I can't love and have any hesitation 我不喜欢和有任何的犹豫

Cause I know that you don't work that way 因为我知道你不是那样的


I can't reach without something to offer 我不能达到不提供的东西

I can't come now I am so ashamed 我不能来,现在我很惭愧

I can't hold out from you any longer 我无法从你抱下去

Cause I know that you don't work that way 因为我知道你不是那样的


I'm not gonna fight you anymore 我不会再打架你

Not gonna try to lock the door 不是要去尝试了锁门

You took your life and gave me yours 你把你的生命,给了我你的

There's no reason why 有没有理由

I shouldn't trust you with mine 我不相信你和我


It's never easy changing my direction 这是不容易改变我的方向

It's so unnatural to loosen up my grip 它是如此自然放松了我的抓地力

Are you growing weary of all my good intentions 你越来越厌倦了我所有的好意

Cause I know that You don't work that way 因为我知道你不是那样的


Chorus 合唱


Somedays 那些日子她念叨

This wait upon my shoulder 这个等待在我的肩膀

Is my shame 是我的耻辱

I know I should know better 我知道我应该更清楚

Cause you say 因为你说的

That I must now surrender 那我现在必须投降

There's no other way 有没有别的办法

歌词 Trust You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/trust-you/

歌词 Trust You 的作者与版权信息:


Jason David Ingram, Brandon Heath, Chad Robert Cates


Capilano Music, Windsor Way Music, New Spring Publishing Inc., Peertunes Ltd., Upper Cates Music