歌词 "Tropical" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:YOUNG DRO

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Chorus: x4] [合唱: X4 ]

Chevy paint tropical 雪佛兰油漆热带

A wima way, a wima way à WIMA方式, WIMA方式

Got them callin Fema, cause my chopper on Katrina spray 得到了他们的呼唤费玛,导致我的菜刀在卡特里娜喷雾


[Verse 1:] [诗歌1 : ]

I bear arms, literally bare arms 我愿意承担武器,从字面上裸露的手臂

30 inch air don, G4, we call it air fun 30英寸的唐风,G4 ,我们称之为空气乐趣

Plus, I got some killas over there and over there for em 另外,我得到了一些killas那边那边EM

My partna couldn't make it, I'm a put one in your hair for him. 我partna不能做到,我是把一只在你的头发给他。

32 inches and the rims come in rare form 32英寸及轮辋进来罕见

My partnas on the block know I love em and I care for em 我在该区块partnas知道我爱他们,我关心的EM

I remember we was in the blood, sellin heron 我记得我们是在血液中,出卖鹭

Shawty caught a charge, nigga, trust me, I was there for him 美女抓一充,兄弟们,相信我,我在那里为他

Somebody say a prayer for him 有人说,祈祷他

I never overlook ya'll 我从来没有忽视你们大家

The shit ya doin uptown is like a preseason in football 雅乐队住宅区狗屎就像足球季前赛

People tellin me I'm bein wise buy some Rarri's 人们在告诉我,我拜因聪明买一些Rarri的

I said "or jump, I'm gonna go and get my chopper" 我说:“还是跳,我会去把我的菜刀”

I ain't scared, I'm ridin around bumpin Cyndi Lauper 我是不是害怕,我坐车绕bumpin辛迪劳博尔

Bout to stop at Burger King and get me a Whopper 回合停在汉堡王,让我一个弥天大谎

Niggas just mad cause my rims so whopper 黑鬼只是疯狂的原因我的轮辋使弥天大谎

Plus it's Grand Hustle, ya'll never could stop us. 加上它的宏伟喧嚣,使你们永远无法阻止我们。


[Chorus: x4] [合唱: X4 ]

Chevy paint Tropical 雪佛兰热带漆

A wima way, a wima way à WIMA方式, WIMA方式

Got them callin Fema, cause my chopper on Katrina spray 得到了他们的呼唤费玛,导致我的菜刀在卡特里娜喷雾


[Verse 2:] [诗2: ]

I love killings are passionate 我喜欢杀戮的激情

Murders are immaculate 谋杀是完美无暇

Acute angle, shoot at a nigga, cause I'll rackulate 锐角,拍了一个黑人,因为我会rackulate

Bullets to the front of your head, and blow out the back of it 子弹头的前部,并炸毁了它的背面

36 ounces, now let's see what I can stack of it 36盎司,现在让我们来看看有什么我可以叠加呢

I am not average, more like maverick 我不平均,更喜欢标新立异

One niper slug and a prayer, that's what I battle with 一个NIPER蛞蝓和祈祷,这就是我与战斗

Manslaughter, shawty droppin niggas like cattle shit 误杀,美女灌篮黑鬼像牛拉屎

Like snakes, I rattle it, killins for no matter 像蛇一样,我滔滔不绝了, killins的不管

In the hood on that old batter batter shit 在旧的连击狗屎罩

Bitch try to rob me, like a heart they on that saddle shit 母狗试图抢劫我,像一个心脏,他们上鞍狗屎

Die Another Day, James Bond, ya'll see me 谁与争锋,詹姆斯·邦德,你们大家看我

No hoes drunk cause I'm in the Aston Martini 没有锄头醉,因为我在阿斯顿·马天尼

I walk up in the mall, 20 large and branini bitch 我走在商场里, 20大branini婊子

Penthouse at the 12, 90-inch screen tv bitch 阁楼在12 , 90英寸平面电视的婊子

Bitches goin crazy just cause they see me on tv bitch 母犬布莱恩疯狂只是因为他们看到我在电视上的婊子

My Chevy paint Tropical, niggas can't see me bitch! 我的雪佛兰油漆热带,黑鬼看不到我婊子!


[Chorus: x8] [合唱: X8 ]

Chevy paint Tropical 雪佛兰热带漆

A wima way, a wima way à WIMA方式, WIMA方式

Got them callin Fema, cause my chopper on Katrina spray 得到了他们的呼唤费玛,导致我的菜刀在卡特里娜喷雾


Dro! DRO !

歌词 Tropical 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tropical-1/