歌词 "Torn To Pieces" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Torn To Pieces



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I, I can't undo things that are not true 我我不能撤消的事情是不是真的

You, you can't say things are gonna change 你,你也不能说的事是不会改变

It's a hand that will drag you under 这是一只手,将你拖下

It's a deep that takes you to a hurt that grows 这是一个深刻的是把你带到一个伤害,生长


My love is gone and you can't go on 我的爱走了,你不能去

My life is torn to pieces, my life is torn 我的生命撕成碎片,我的生活被撕裂


No, no one will ever see what this did to me 不,没有人会看到这对我做

It's hard enough not to grieve what you can't be 它够硬不要悲伤,你不能什么

It's a deep that will take you to a hurt that grows 这是一个深刻的,将带你到一个伤害,生长


My life is gone and you can't go on 我的命都没了,你不能去

My life is torn to pieces, my life is torn 我的生命撕成碎片,我的生活被撕裂


My life is gone, you can't go on 我的生活没有了,你不能去

My life is torn to pieces 我的生命撕成碎片

My life is torn to pieces, my life is torn 我的生命撕成碎片,我的生活被撕裂

歌词 Torn To Pieces 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/torn-to-pieces-1/

歌词 Torn To Pieces 的作者与版权信息:


Emerson Hart, Dan Lavery, Jeffrey Russo


Linden House Music, Bughouse, Jeffersongs Music Publishing, WB Music Corp., La Verita Music