歌词 "Top Secret" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Top Secret



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Sits in his room at night 坐在他的房间在晚上

Flits back and forth round the world 掠过来回环游世界

As he calls in the moonlight 正如他在月光下调用

Sees all the empires fall 看到所有的帝国下降

Writes it all down with his pen 用他的笔写了这一切

In free hand once for all 在放手一劳永逸


He sees something to tell but 他看到的东西告诉,但

He's got no one to tell 他有没有人告诉

The top secret 绝密

And he means it 他指这


All day his mind troubles 一整天他心中的烦恼

Him as he cures all the ills 他为他治愈所有弊病

Of the world with his knife 世界与他的刀

Centuries pass when he dies 经过几个世纪的时候,他死了

And the answers get buried 而答案会淹没

And mistook for life 而误以为生命


He sees something to tell but 他看到的东西告诉,但

He's got no one to tell 他有没有人告诉

The top secret 绝密

And he means it 他指这


All day his mind troubles 一整天他心中的烦恼

Him as he cures all the ills 他为他治愈所有弊病

Of the world... 世界上的...

歌词 Top Secret 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/top-secret/