歌词 "Too Safe" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Too Safe



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Want to sail 要扬帆

Way away 路远

Across this big water 跨越这个大的水

Feeling sick 感病

Of this land 这片土地

Need a Chandon 极品香槟


You're shit, you make me want to look at others 你妈的,你让我想看看别人

Right now, you really want to make me scream 现在,你真想让我尖叫

I think I'm falling out of love now 我想我失恋了,现在

I feel too safe with you 我觉得太安全了你

I feel too safe with you 我觉得太安全了你


Want to sail 要扬帆

Way away 路远

Across this big water 跨越这个大的水

Feeling sick 感病

Of this land 这片土地

Need a Chandon 极品香槟


You're shit, you make me want to look at others 你妈的,你让我想看看别人

Right now, you really want to make me scream 现在,你真想让我尖叫

I think I'm falling out of love now 我想我失恋了,现在

I feel too safe with you 我觉得太安全了你

I feel too safe with you 我觉得太安全了你


Feel too safe with you 感觉太安全了你

Feel too safe with you (I feel safe) 感觉太安全了你(我感到安全)

Feel too safe with you (I feel safe) 感觉太安全了你(我感到安全)

Feel too safe with you (I feel safe) 感觉太安全了你(我感到安全)

Feel too safe with you (I feel safe) 感觉太安全了你(我感到安全)

Feel too safe with you (Feel too safe) 感觉太安全了,你(觉得太安全)

Feel too safe with you (Feel too safe) 感觉太安全了,你(觉得太安全)

Feel too safe with you (Feel too safe) 感觉太安全了,你(觉得太安全)

Feel too safe with you (Feel too safe) 感觉太安全了,你(觉得太安全)



You... 你...

歌词 Too Safe 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/too-safe/