歌词 "Tony Story" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Tony Story


歌词相关歌手:MEEK MILL

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This is the life, 这是生命,

This is the life 这就是命

Yea - this is the life 是的 - 这就是命

This is the life 这就是命


Tony killed his own man Ty for a whole brick 托尼杀死自己的男人泰一整砖

Lined him all up and gave him the whole clip 内衬他所有了,给了他的整个剪辑

Said he wasn't eatin, he wanted his own shit 说他不是eatin ,他希望自己的狗屎

And not to mention Ty was fuckin his old bitch 且不说泰他妈的是他的老娘们

But Ty wasn't a shooter, that nigga just sold bricks 但泰不是一个射手,那黑鬼刚卖砖

And Tony he was reckless he never had no picks 和托尼,他是鲁莽的,他从来没有选秀权

Tony was like the Alpo, Ty was the Lil Rich 托尼是像爱宝,泰是富有律

Two niggas with a dream that plotted on goin rich 两个黑鬼有一个梦想,绘制在布莱恩丰富

Started as a teen, but Ty he got on quick 开始作为一个青少年,但泰 - 他上了快

Jealousy the reason that Ty got left all stiff 嫉妒是泰就剩所有僵硬的原因

Got Tony at the viewing, Ty mom crying to him 获得托尼在观看,泰妈哭给他

He hug her, he tell her whoever did this, he gone do 'em 他抱住她,他告诉她,谁这样做,他做了时间

From there it was a silence, she ain't condone violence 从那里,它是一个沉默,她不是纵容暴力

But they killed her only son so when he said it she just nodded 但是,他们杀了她唯一的儿子,所以当他说她只是点点头

And he told her that he got her, 他告诉她,他得到了她,

Grimy at its best 肮脏处于最佳状态

Like Tony had a cold you feel it slimy in his chest 像托尼感冒了,你觉得它在他的胸口粘糊糊的

Yes - he had the nerve to carry the casket 是的 - 他有胆量携带骨灰盒

Strapped up before he went he had to carry his ratchet 绑了他去之前,他还得把他的棘轮

He nervous, walkin like he tryna carry him faster 他的神经,大像他tryna携带他快

Nigga even grabbed the shovel tried to bury him faster 兄弟们甚至试图抢下更快埋葬他的铲子


Next week he at the mall, rollie on his arm 他下周在商场,罗利在他的手臂

Two bad bitches with him laughing having a ball 两个坏女人跟他笑有一个球

Seen Ty cousin Paul, Paul couldn't believe it 看到泰表哥保罗,保罗简直不敢相信

Same nigga asked him for a front last weekend 同样的黑人问他前的最后一个周末

Walkin round the mall, Louie on, bags Neiman 走着一轮商场,路易的,包装袋尼曼

With the gold diggin bitches Little Ke and Bad Trina 与黄金陷母狗小克和天合光能坏

He dapped Tony up, tryna cap Tony up 他dapped托尼起来, tryna托尼盖起来

In his head thinkin how he gone clap Tony up 在他的脑袋在想他怎么拍了起来托尼

But Tony he ain't worried, cause he strapped Tony up 但托尼,他并不担心,因为他绑起来托尼

Seven days of running he already turned it up 七天,他已经把它上升

He got Pauly burnin up, he ready to ride 他得到了保利燃尽了,他准备骑

He know Tony a killer but he ready to die 他知道托尼的杀手,但他准备死

Ahhhhh - smelling death all in the air AHHHHH - 闻死亡都在空气中

Pauly thinkin bout puttin a check all on his head- but he can't, 保利想着回合puttin所有对他的流浆一张支票,但他不能,

Cause Tony he done killed his first cousin 造成托尼他所做杀害了他的堂兄

If he let somebody else do it it won't mean nothin 如果他让别人去做它并非虚无

He wanna see him bleedin, he wanna see him gaspin 他希望看到他流血,他想看看他gaspin

Wanna watch him die slow like he sufferin from cancer 想看他死慢的像他的癌症在痛苦

Feel like Tony did it but he don't really know the answer 感觉像托尼做到了,但他真的不知道答案

So he gone let it burn until he get confirmed 于是,他去了哪里让它燃烧,直到他得到确认


Couple months fly by, Tony on the high rise 几个月飞过,托尼在高层

Started flippin now he got them chickens in like Popeye 开始弗利现在他得到了他们的鸡像大力水手

Pauly still gettin it, always been a top guy 保利还是刚开的,一直是顶级的家伙

He ain't really club but tonight- he gone stop by 他是不是真正的俱乐部,但tonight-他停止了通过

Seen Little Ke and them, it was two or three of them 看到小克和他们,这是两三人

Standin in the line he said "I'mma pay for me and them" Standin中,他说行了“我就要付出我和他们”

Pulled his money out, started countin it and teasin 'em 把他的钱拿出来,开始报数,并teasin 时间

You know Ke gold diggin' ass wanna be with him 你知道柯金陷屁股想和他在一起

Slid up in the club told the waiter "give me three of 'em" 滑在俱乐部告诉服务员“给我三个时间”

Bottles of the spade, now Ke just wanna leave with him 铁锹的瓶子,现在他珂只是想离开

He said "where yo phone at", she said "where you gone at?" 他说:“哪里哟手机的” ,她说,“在这里你走的? ”

He said "I'mma slide out," she said "I'mma ride out" 他说:“我就要滑出, ”她说,“我就要渡过”

Told her friends "call ya'll tomorrow when I get to my mom house" 告诉她的朋友们“你们大家叫我明天去我妈家”

They got right up out of there, took her to his side house 他们得到了直到离开那里,把她带到自己身边的房子

Soon as they got in the crib she just blew his mind out 一旦他们在婴儿床了,她只是吹了他的脑海了

Wasted off them bottles Pauly boy she on her nod off 浪费了他们的瓶子保利的男孩,她在她打瞌睡


But Pauly boy he ain't goin to sleep 但保利的男孩,他是不是要扔掉睡觉

Grab her phone up off the sheets 抢她的手机掉在床单

Took it to the living room, her messages he goin through 把它带到了客厅,她的消息,他通过布莱恩

Scroll up to Tony name, he text her "what you doin boo" 向上滚动到托尼的名字,他她的短信:“你干什么什么嘘”

She text him back "I'm in the crib" he text her back "you comin through?" 她的文字他回:“我在摇篮里”,他短信她的背:“你马上就要过来吗? ”

She text "where I'm comin to?" he text back "1022, Woodstock in North Philly, take the E-Way to the zoo" 她文“凡我马上就要来? ”他回短信“ 1022 ,伍德斯托克音乐节在北费城,采取电子方式去动物园”

She said that I'm comin now, look at what Pauly found 她说,我马上就要来了,看看保利发现

Got the drop on Tony where he live and that its goin down 得到了托尼的下降,他的生活和它的布莱恩跌


Couple weeks later, Pauly on Woodstock 几个星期后,保利在伍德斯托克

Sittin in the minivan, tinted with his hood cocked 在好好坐着面包车,有色与他的引擎盖翘起

Tony just rode up, Pauly got the good drop 托尼刚骑了,保利拿到了不错滴

44 in his hand bout to make the hood rock 在他的手回合44 ,使罩岩

Tony slippin, Pauly all dippin 托尼跌到,保利都迪

Walk up on his car like "whats poppin' lil nigga" 走到他的车像“什么屁股律黑鬼”

Tony lookin shocked, his glock was in his box 托尼看着震惊,他的格洛克在他的盒子

So he couldn't grab for it Paul said "that's yo ass boy" 所以他不能抓住它,保罗说“那溜溜的屁股男孩”

He said "you still need that work that you asked for?" 他说:“你仍然需要一个工作,你问的? ”

Dropped it all on his lap it was four and a half raw 丢弃这一切在他的腿上那是四年半的原

Tony he lookin crazy he know that's his last straw 托尼,他眼含疯了,他知道这是他的最后一根稻草

And Pauly just let it go, put his brains on the dashboard 而保利就让它去,把他的脑袋上的仪表板

POW 战俘

歌词 Tony Story 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/tony-story/

歌词 Tony Story 的作者与版权信息:


Robert Williams, Matthew Samuels


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, 1damentional Publishing LLC, WB Music Corp.