歌词 "Together" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Rush down, down to the first floor 抢下来,下到一楼

There never seems to be enough time 还有似乎永远不会有足够的时间

Push hard, and push a little bit more 用力按压,推多一点点

A cup of coffee and I'm gonna be fine 一杯咖啡,我会没事的

Fine as I can be now 细如我能成为现在


Me and you, we do what we gotta do 我和你,我们做我们必须做的

We only want to have a good life 我们只希望有一个良好的生活

It's tough, we don't see each other enough 这是艰难的,我们看不到对方足够

And sometime the going gets rough 而有时吃不了粗糙

Still we keep pushing on through 尽管如此,我们一直通过推


We could use another summer of love 我们可以用爱的另一种夏天

It's cloudy here 是阴天这里

But there's a blue sky up above 但是,有一个蓝色的天空了上述


If we could only fly away from here 如果我们只能飞离这里

We could say good-bye to all the tears 我们可以说再见所有的眼泪

And maybe we could spend the rest of our years 也许我们能一起度过了我们多年的休息

Together, together 在一起,在一起


Sometimes I watch the TV news 有时我看电视新闻

I wanna say what's the use in trying 我想说有什么用,试图

Cause come on, what kind of difference can one man make 引起来的,可以一个人做什么样的区别

Yeah but how much more can I take 是的,但多少可以报考


I think back when I was a little kid 我回想起当我还是个小孩子

I did what little kids did 我做了小的孩子做

Played war 'til I didn't wanna play no more 玩过战争,直到我本来不想打不出更多

Hey and that's when love stepped in 嘿,这时候的爱情阶梯

Changed everything again 再一次改变了一切


It's never too late for a summer of love 它永远不会太晚了爱情的夏天

Yeah it's cloudy here 是啊是阴天这里

But there's a blue sky up above 但是,有一个蓝色的天空了上述


If we could only fly away from here 如果我们只能飞离这里

We could say good-bye to all the tears 我们可以说再见所有的眼泪

And maybe we could spend the rest of our years 也许我们能一起度过了我们多年的休息

Together, we could be together 总之,我们会在一起


These are crazy times 这是疯狂的时代

It's a different world 这是一个不同的世界

Well, that's okay 好吧,没关系

Let it be that way 让它是这样

We could lose our minds 我们可能会失去我们的头脑

Or we could find our way 或者,我们可以找到我们的方式

We can change our world 我们可以改变我们的世界

No matter what they say 不管他们怎么说


If we could only fly away from here 如果我们只能飞离这里

We could turn around and say good-bye to all the tears 我们可以回过头说再见所有的眼泪

And maybe we could spend the rest of our years 也许我们能一起度过了我们多年的休息

Together 在一起

We could be together 我们会在一起


Now, we can let the sunshine in (Together) 现在,我们可以让阳光(合)

And we can overcome and win (Together) 我们可以克服,赢得(合)

We'll have ourselves a summer of love again (Together) 我们将有自己爱的夏天再次(合)

We'll be, we'll be together 我们会,我们会在一起

Hey, hey 嘿,嘿

We'll be together 我们会在一起

歌词 Together 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/together-16/