歌词 "To Take Your Hat Off" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

To Take Your Hat Off



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词


To take your hat off 把你的帽子摘下来

Is the gesture of a toff 是一种花花公子的姿态

But even his lordship needs a head 但是,即使他的贵族身份需要一个头

To take his hat off of 把他的帽子掉了

So Dampierre lost his life 所以,当皮埃尔失去了他的生命

By being somewhat too polite 只要是有点太客气了

In face of all the pain and fear that festered 面对所有的痛苦和恐惧溃烂

For more than a thousand years 超过一千年


[SERGEANT (off stage)] [警长(台下)

By the left, Quick March! 由左,月快!



Dampierre has lost his head 皮埃尔已经失去了他的头

The King has lost his grown 国王已经失去了他的成年

The carriage rolls through the streets 游街的马车轧辊

The crowd jeers, the wheels squeak 众人嘲笑,车轮吱吱声

Hey, hey, what goes around 嘿,嘿,善有善报

Always comes around 总是恶有恶报


[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

IN Germany and England 在德国和英国

They celebrate our liberty 他们庆祝我们的自由

Over there by and by 在那里,并

They'll have their 14th of July 他们将在七月中的第14

In Germany and England they fete our 在德国和英国,他们宴请我们



Liberty 自由



The National Assembly try to whitewash the King 国民议会试图粉饰王


[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

His brothers in law 他在法律上的兄弟

Are camped on every border 是驻扎在每一个边界

They fear to depose him 他们担心废除他

Would men war 将男人的战争



But feelings run deep 但感情很深

And the man in the street 而该男子在街上

Hungry, weak but unbowed 饿了,微弱但依旧挺立

Scents the taste so sweet of peacock meat 香水的味道这么甜孔雀肉

As it wafts over the crowd 因为它充溢了人群

So they march to the Camps du Mars 因此,他们游行到营杜火星

To demand Republic now 到现在要求共和国



Republic here, now, today 共和国在这里,现在,今天

The National Assembly 国民议会

Has got it wrong 听错了



Present... 目前...



We sing in the Camps du Mars 我们唱的夏令营杜火星



Take Aim... 盯准...



We sing of what we want 我们唱的是什么,我们希望



FIRE! 着火了!



Repub-- Repub--

歌词 To Take Your Hat Off 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/to-take-your-hat-off/

歌词 To Take Your Hat Off 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《Ça Ira》
  • 专辑年份:2005
  • 类别:album
A Garden In Vienna 1765
Madame Antoine, Madame Antoine
Kings, Sticks And Birds
Honest Bird, Simple Bird
I Want To Be King
Let Us Break All The Shields
The Grievances Of The People
France In Disarray
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live
Slavers, Landlords, Bigots At Your Door
The Fall Of The Bastille
To Freeze In The Dead Of Night
So To The Streets In The Pouring Rain
Dances And Marches
Now Hear Ye!
Flushed With Wine
The Letter
My Dear Cousin Bourbon Of Spain
The Ship Of State Is All At Sea
Silver, Sugar And Indigo
To The Windward Isles
The Papal Edict
In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground
The Fugitive King
But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve
To Take Your Hat Off
The Echoes Never Fade From That Fusillade
The Commune De Paris
Vive La Commune De Paris
The National Assembly Is Confused
The Execution Of Louis Capet
Adieu Louis For You It's Over
Marie Antoinette / The Last Night On Earth
Adieu My Good And Tender Sister
And In The Bushes Where They Survive
Verdammt Wir Leben Noch
She's Bought A Hat Like Princess Marina
Frei Wie Der Wind
Big Hat, No Cattle
All Around My Hat
You Can Leave Your Hat On
Get Me Off
The Full Monty Medley
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36