歌词 "To Kill The Child" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

To Kill The Child



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The child lay 孩子外行

In the starlit night 在星光灿烂的夜晚

Safe in the glow of his Donald Duck light 安全在他的唐老鸭光的发光

How strange to choose to take a life 多么奇怪的选择采取一种生活

How strange to choose to kill a child 真奇怪,选择杀子

Hoover, Blaupunkt, Nissan Jeep 胡佛,蓝宝,日产吉普

Nike, Addidas, Lacoste and cheaper brands 耐克,阿迪达斯,鳄鱼和更便宜的品牌

Cadillac, Amtrak, gasoline, diesel 凯迪拉克,美铁,汽油,柴油

Our standard of living, could this be a reason 我们的生活水平,可这是有原因的

That we would choose to kill the child 我们会选择杀子

That we would choose to kill the child 我们会选择杀子


Allah, Jehovah, Buddah, Christ 安拉,耶和华, Buddah ,基督

Confucius and Kali and reds, beans and rice 孔子与卡莉和红色,豆类和大米

Goujons of sole, ris de veau, ham hocks 唯一的Goujons , RIS日veau ,火腿飞节

Lox bagels and bones and commandments in stone 液氧百吉饼和骨骼和石诫命

The Bible, Koran, Shinto, Islam 圣经,可兰经,神道教,伊斯兰教

Prosciutto, risotto, falafel and ham 火腿,烩饭,沙拉三明治和火腿

Is it dogma, doughnuts, ridicule faith 它是教条,甜甜圈,调侃的信仰

Fear of the dark, or shame or disgrace 对黑暗的恐惧,或羞耻或耻辱

That we would choose to kill the child 我们会选择杀子

That we would choose to kill the child 我们会选择杀子


It's cold in the desert 这是寒冷的沙漠

And the space is too big 和空间过大

The rope is too short 绳子太短

And the walls are too thick 和壁太厚

I will show you no weakness 我会告诉你没有任何弱点

I will mock you in song 我会嘲笑你的歌

Berate and deride you 痛斥和嘲笑你

Belittle and chide you 贬低和斥责你

Beat you with sticks 打你用棍棒

And bulldoze your home 并铲平你的家

You can watch my triumphant procession to Rome 你可以看我的胜利游行罗马

Best seat in the house 最好的座位在家里

Up there on the cross 那里在十字架上

Is it anger or envy, profit or loss 它是愤怒或嫉妒,计入当期损益

That we would choose to kill the child 我们会选择杀子

That we would choose to kill the child 我们会选择杀子


Take this child and hold him closely 你把这孩子抱紧紧

Keep him safe from the holy reign of terror 保证他的安全,从神圣的恐怖统治

Take this child hold him closely 你把这孩子抱他密切

Take this child to the moral high ground 你把这孩子抱到了道德制高点

Where he can look down on the bigots and bully boys 在那里,他可以看不起的偏执狂和欺负的男孩

Slugging it out in the yard 猛击它在院子里

歌词 To Kill The Child 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/to-kill-the-child/

歌词 To Kill The Child 的作者与版权信息:


Roger Waters


Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd.