歌词 "To All The Girls I've Loved Before" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

To All The Girls I've Loved Before



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

To all the girls I've loved before 给所有我以前曾经爱过的女孩

Who have wandered in and out my door 谁曾流浪在和我的门

I'm glad they came along, I dedicate this song 我很高兴他们来了,我奉献这首歌

To all the girls I've loved before. 要所有的女孩我以前爱过。


To all the girls the I caressed 要所有的女孩在我抚摸着

And may I say I've held the best 我可以说我已经举行了最好的

For helping me to grow, I owe a lot I know 帮助我成长,我欠了很多,我知道

To all the girls I've loved before. 要所有的女孩我以前爱过。


The winds of change are always blowing 变革之风总是吹

And every time I try to stay 每次我尽量留

The winds of change continue blowing 变革之风不断吹送

And they just carry me away. 他们只是把我带走。


To all the girls who shared my life 所有谁分享我生活中的女孩

Who now are someone else's wives 谁现在是别人的妻子

They live wirthin my heart, I'll always be a part 他们住wirthin我的心脏,我永远是一部分

Of all the girls I've loved before. 所有的女孩我以前爱过。


The winds of change are always blowing 变革之风总是吹

And every time I try to stay 每次我尽量留

The winds of change continue blowing 变革之风不断吹送

And they just carry me away. 他们只是把我带走。


To all the girls I've loved before 给所有我以前曾经爱过的女孩

Who have wander in and out my doors 谁拥有随意进出我的门

For helping me to grow, I owe a lot I know 帮助我成长,我欠了很多,我知道

To all the girls we've loved before... 要所有的女孩我们以前爱过...

歌词 To All The Girls I've Loved Before 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/to-all-the-girls-i_ve-loved-before-1/

歌词 To All The Girls I've Loved Before 的作者与版权信息:


Hal David


Casa David Music