歌词 "Time Brings Change" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Time Brings Change



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

why can't things be the 为什么不能的事情是

way the used to be? 路用呢?

why can't i feel the way; i 为什么不能我的感觉; í

used to feel? back in the 用什么感觉?早在

days when it all worked 当这一切工作的天

out was it all in my 出了这一切,我

mind? and now it won't 介意吗?现在也不会

come out when i don't 出来的时候,我不

think i'll get by when i 想我就按,当得到我

fell that i need to cry it 跌,我需要哭出来

hurts me even more to 伤害我更加

think how it was before 想到以前的样子

no you first is how it 没有你第一次是怎么回事

always went the simple 一直走到了简单

things made us content 事情使我们的内容

we don't need nothin'` 我们不需要nothin`

except and the one true 除了和一个真正的

God that keeps us 上帝,让我们

together i hate time! 同时我讨厌了!

cause time brings 原因带来的时间

change! and change 改变!与变化

makes me start all over 让我从头开始

again i guess i can work 再次我想我可以正常工作

with time but does time work out 随着时间的推移但是时间锻炼身体

歌词 Time Brings Change 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/time-brings-change/