歌词 "Till I Gain Control Again" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Till I Gain Control Again



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Just like the sun over the mountain top 就像太阳照在山顶

You know i'll always come again 你知道我会一直再来

You know i love to spend my morning time 你知道我爱花我上午的时间

Like sunlight dancing on your skin 就像你的皮肤上的阳光舞蹈

I've never gone so wrong as to telling lies to you 我从来没有真的错了,以说谎为你

What you've seen is what I've been 你所看到的就是我一直

There is nothing I could hide from you 有什么我可以隐藏你

You see me better than I can 你看我比我好的

Out on the road that lies before me now 在路上是我之前就在于现在

There are some turns where I will spin 也有一些圈,我会旋转

I only hope that you can hold me now 我只希望你能抓住我

Till i can gain control again 直到我能再次获得控制


Like a lighthouse you must stand alone 像灯塔一样,你必须独立

Landmark the sailor's journeys end 具有里程碑意义的水手的旅程结束

No matter what sea I've have been sailing on 不管是什么海,我已经扬帆起航

I'll always roll this way again 我会永远再推出这种方式

Out on the road that lies before me now 在路上是我之前就在于现在

There are some turns where I will spin 也有一些圈,我会旋转

I only hope that you can hold me now 我只希望你能抓住我

Till i can gain control again 直到我能再次获得控制

歌词 Till I Gain Control Again 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/till-i-gain-control-again/