歌词 "Thug Nigga" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Thug Nigga



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Talking] [谈]

Yeah nigga, Z-Ro the Crooked 是啊兄弟们, Z-罗歪

Hollin' at all my real niggaz out here, that's handling they bidness Hollin “在我所有的真正的兄弟们在这里,这是他们处理bidness

Know I'm saying, being that motherfucking man they 'pose to be 知道我的意思,是说他妈的男人,他们构成是

Guide they seeds in the right direction, know I'm saying 指导他们的种子在正确的方向,知道我在说什么

Real nigga grown ass men, know I'm saying feel me 真正的黑人屁股长大的人,知道我在说我的感觉


Black and beautiful, but I can't have her 黑色和漂亮,但我不能让她

Anytime the queen smile, it make me wanna grab her 每当女王的笑容,这让我想抓住她

But I'm a loner, destined to be alone a long time 但我是一个孤独的人,注定是孤独了很久

Anytime I get courage enough to say something, it's at the wrong time 每当我得到足够的勇气说些什么,这是在错误的时间

I ain't shy but I'm a bad seed, back luck with women 我是不是害羞,但我是个坏的种子,运气背的妇女

Mama died, after she had me 妈妈去世后,她让我以后

Left me alone had to be strong, dealing with the truth and the lies 独留我必须要坚强,处理真相和谎言

Witnessed the whole family turn on me, in front of my eyes 目睹了整个家庭轮到我,在我眼前

For being real, so I wonder what the fake got to offer 为是真实的,所以我不知道假得提供

I let her catch me slipping, cause I already caught her 我让她抓住我滑倒,因为我已经抓住她

Breaking the bond, but you were never locked down 打破了债券,但你永远不会锁定

I should of listened, when people say she was sleeping around 我应该听的,当人们说她是乱搞男女关系

But I wasn't fooling evil, that stuff going the wrong way 但是我骗不了邪恶,那玩意儿走错路

Was the deception, blinded by a beautiful face 被欺骗,蒙蔽美丽的脸蛋

The aftermath is simple, it's I can't stand you hoe 后果很简单,这是我不能忍受你个婊子

By myself forever, me and my bitch nigga the dro 我自己永远的,我和我的母狗黑鬼的DRO


[Hook] [钩]

When a good nigga'z fed up 当个好niggaz够了

And everything go wrong, and home ain't feeling like home 所有的一切都出问题了,家里是不是感觉像家一样

Feel like it's impossbile, to hold your head up 觉得这是impossbile ,保持你的头

Even though you be doing right, they do you like you do wrong 即使你做的对,他们做你喜欢做的,你错了

Why they be fucking with a thug nigga, why you fucking with a thug nigga 为什么他们被一个暴徒黑鬼,为什么你他妈的有暴徒他妈的黑鬼

Fucking with a thug nigga, why you fucking with a thug nigga 他妈的一个暴徒黑鬼,为什么你他妈的一个暴徒黑鬼

Fucking with a thug nigga, fucking with a thug nigga 一个暴徒黑鬼他妈的,有暴徒他妈的黑鬼

Fucking with a thug nigga, bitch you gon' make me out a drug dealer 他妈的一个暴徒黑鬼,婊子,你坤让我出了毒贩


I was, damn near about to lose my mind 当时的我,差点儿就要失去我的心

And hoe ass niggaz, trying to keep me from shining 和锄头屁股的兄弟们,试图阻止我闪耀

I get hated on, all day long 我被讨厌的,整天

Why the fuck I gotta get hated, when I get home 为什么我要在得到他妈的恨,当我回家

I'm trying to stay on my grind 我想留在我的磨

All that riff-raff, I can't let it stay on my mind 所有的流氓,我不能让它留在我的脑海

I got the rent and the bills to deal with, and you be tripping and shit 我得到了房租和账单处理,你可以跳,狗屎

So why wonder why I'm addicted to dro, and sipping and shit 那么,为什么不知道为什么我沉迷于DRO和品尝和狗屎

Because I go through so much 因为我经历了这么多

So I try to stay fucked up, because 所以,我尽量保持性交的,因为

I get my hustle on daily, so your children can eat 我得到我的喧嚣日常,让您的孩子可以吃

Without getting myself a new unit, or shoes for my feet 没有得到我自己我的脚一个新的单位,或鞋


[Hook] [钩]


The diapers the rent deposit, the light bill 租金按金,光账单尿布

The way I made it warm, when there was a slight chill 顺便我把它温暖,当有轻微的寒意

I was everythang, at least I thought I was mayn 我everythang ,至少我以为我迈恩

Until my better half, said she wasn't feeling the same 直到我的另一半,她说她身体不舒服一样

She needed a change, and made a nigga pack up and leave 她需要的变化,并提出了一个黑人卷铺盖走人

After that calling me everyday, saying she was checking on me 之后,叫我每天电话,说她检查了我

How the fuck you think I'm doing, I'm living on the street 如何你觉得我做了他妈的,我流落街头

Sleeping in the front, with all my clothes in the backseat 睡在前面,我所有的衣服在后座

Moved back in to get kicked out, and moved back in 搬回来踢出,并在搬回

The only thing that stayed stable, was the money that I had to spend 在稳定住的唯一的事,是我不得不花的钱

Seventy five, on the room a night 七十五,在房间一晚

This is the way brothers get treated, for doing em right 这是兄弟得到治疗的方式,做正确的EM

Ask my brother, he be going through it with his baby's mother 问我弟弟,他可以通过它去与他的孩子的母亲

But that's what a nigga get, for trying to love a motherfucker 但是,这就是一个黑人得到的,对于想爱一个混蛋

Never again, will I put my arms around a bitch 再也不要,我会把我搂着一个婊子

It's sunny in my life now, I hope it storm around a bitch 这是阳光明媚,我现在的生活,我希望这风暴围绕一个婊子


[Hook] [钩]

歌词 Thug Nigga 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/thug-nigga/