歌词 "Thug Like Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Thug Like Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This joint right here 该联合在这里

It goes out for the fellas 它超出了小伙子们

Creepin in the lady's home when they man ain't home 情不自禁爱上了小姐的家,当他们的人不在家

Ladies help me say 各位帮我说


[Chorus] [合唱]


If you ain't treatin your girlfriend right 如果你不treatin你的女朋友权

Trust me when I tell you this 相信我,当我告诉你这

One day you won't be missed 有一天,你会不会错过

Someone will replace your kiss 有人会取代你的吻

You wanna be hardcore 你想成为铁杆

Like the rapper Jadakiss 像说唱歌手贾达基斯

Or a thug like me will be up in your house 或者像我这样的暴徒会在你的房子

Cookin breakfast in the morning 在早晨乱打早餐

I know you heard these words before 我知道你以前听到这些话

But you never heard em quite like this 但是你从来没有听说过EM很喜欢这个

You gon find yourself livin all by yourself 你自己会去寻找自己活着的所有

Who woulda ever thought wit a stranger she would share her wealth 谁的woulda想过机智一个陌生人,她将分享她的财富

Now a stranger like me is lyin under her sheets 现在像我这样的陌生人在她的床单胡扯

This is a warning red alert emergency 这是一个警告的红色紧急警报

If you can't find your girl that means she's here wit me 如果你不能找到你的女孩,这意味着她在这里机智我

She said you had an argument 她说,你有一个说法

So I brought her roses 于是我把她的玫瑰花

You know what comes next when the door closes 你知道下一步怎么走门关闭时

You don't like her smile 你不喜欢她的笑容

So you treat her foul 所以,你对她的臭

You only give her attention when I'm on the prowl 你只给了她的注意,当我在徘徊

And now your guilty conscience got you actin wild 现在你心虚了,你装作野

And now you wanna flip mode like you Busta Rhymes 现在你要翻转模式像你Busta押韵


[Chorus] [合唱]


This is a warning red alert emergency 这是一个警告的红色紧急警报

If you can't find your girl she's at work wit me 如果你不能找到你的女孩,她是在工作中机智我

Yo we eatin brunch while you havin lunch 哟,我们eatin早午餐,而你就吃午饭

You don't even call to see what she wants 你甚至不来看望自己想要的东西

You don't like her smile so you treat her foul 你不喜欢她的笑容让你把她的臭

You only give her attention when I'm on the prowl 你只给了她的注意,当我在徘徊

And now your guilty conscience got you actin wild 现在你心虚了,你装作野

And now you wanna flip like you Busta Rhymes 现在你要翻转喜欢你Busta押韵


[Chorus] [合唱]


This is a warning 这是一个警告

It's a radar warning 这是一个雷达预警

My dogs I'm talking to you right now 我的狗我说的就是你现在

You need to hold her and console her 您需要抱她,并安慰她

Never, never, never be afraid to tell her that you love her 永远,永远,永远不要害怕告诉她,你爱她


[Chorus] [合唱]


Get on the phone and call your girlfriend right now 拿到手机上打电话给你的女友,现在

You shoulda listened to her 你早听她

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

You shoulda listened to her 你早听她

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

Oh, you should listen to her 哦,你应该听她的

Sometimes you should listen to her 有时候,你应该听她的

Take her out for dinner 带她出去吃晚饭

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

Take her to the movies 带她去看电影

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

She lookin groovy 她看着时髦

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

That kinda girl ready 这一点女孩准备

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

Yo you should listen to her 哟,你应该听她的

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

Sometimes just listen to her 有时候,只是听她的话

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

Listen to her 听她的

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

Sometimes just listen to her 有时候,只是听她的话

Shoulda listened to her 早该听她

歌词 Thug Like Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/thug-like-me/

歌词 Thug Like Me 的作者与版权信息:


Jerry Duplessis


Te-bass Music Inc., Emi Blackwood Music Inc.