歌词 "This Train Is My Life" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

This Train Is My Life



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This train is my life 这列火车是我的生命

Speeding through the night 经过一夜飞驰

We have been to these places 我们一直在这些地方

For barely a moment 对于几乎没有片刻


Wide awake 清醒

Sometimes sleeping 有时候睡觉

Sometimes watching 有时候看

Sometimes dreaming 有时候做梦


Through stroby stations 通过翠贝站

Too fast to know their names 太快就知道他们的名字

Too fast to know if we came or will come again 太快知道我们来了还是会回来的


Sleeping towns joined together 沉睡的城镇连接在一起

By the steel of the rails 由轨道的钢

Parallel lines 平行线

Parallel lives 平行生命


You and I 你和我

We're movie-rich 我们的电影丰富

We're reflected in the window 我们反映的窗口

The dark night's black mirror glass 暗夜的黑色镜面玻璃

Distant lights from the wrong side of the tracks 从轨道错误的一边远处的灯火


Christmas lights 圣诞灯饰

Go by in the houses 走在房子

Anonymous windows 匿名窗

Anonymous rooms of 匿名室

Anonymous souls 匿名的灵魂


So take my hand 因此,牵着我的手

Squeeze it tight 挤紧

Make some light 做一些轻

In the darkness 在黑暗中

I'm glad you came on this trip 我很高兴你来到此行

Don't lose your grip 不要失去你的抓地力

Don't lose your grip 不要失去你的抓地力

This train is my life 这列火车是我的生命

This train is my life 这列火车是我的生命


Travel with me 旅行与我

And we'll see.. 我们会看到..

歌词 This Train Is My Life 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/this-train-is-my-life/

歌词 This Train Is My Life 的作者与版权信息:


Steve Hogarth, Mark Colbert Kelly, Ian Francesko Mosley, Peter John Trewavas, Steven Thomas Rothery


Hornall Brothers Music Ltd.